Sunday, January 12, 2025

New med, saving money on groceries, organizing, and laundry

 Happy Sunday! Hope everyone's weekend is going well. 

I have been puttering around the house this weekend. We had another snow event on Friday night into Saturday morning, so I just planned to stay home and do some things around the house...mainly laundry! 

I also wanted to stay home to make sure that I didn't have a reaction to my new medication that I began on Friday. Thursday I saw a nurse practitioner that my primary doctor referred me to, as he is very well versed in mental health issues. This NP spent a lot of time with me and as we talked about my history and things that have happened in the past few years and my responses to those, it became clear that my current way of dealing with my depression is not working. He also diagnosed me as clinically depressed. Makes a ton of sense to me, and was almost a relief to hear as I felt there was something wrong with me. He started me on a new medication that I am so glad that insurance covers as if I had to pay out of pocket it would be $1800+ for 30 days. I will follow up with him in a month to see how this new med is working or not. 

This year, I am experimenting with picking up groceries as a way to save money as I am the type of person that will only plan on getting 5 things at the store and end up with a whole cart full because I see something on sale that we can't live without or that I think we need but we already have some at home, etc. I got a Kroger pick up grocery order on Friday night and organized my freezer and pantry. I also placed a Walmart delivery order for Saturday for things like laundry detergent, toilet paper, backup chopped onions for the freezer that I forgot in my Kroger order, and batteries. 

I spent some time organizing. I went through a couple of totes in our basement and have a huge tote of stuff to throw out and some to donate. After I type this up, I am going to bag up the trash and take it out to the bin. I also went through a tote in my bedroom that had a bunch of saved love notes/cards from my ex-husband. I went through all of them and threw them away. 

In between all of that, I did ALL the laundry in the house.  I don't even know how many loads it was, but it was a lot. I used the timer on my phone and was strict about flipping laundry and folding it when it came out of the dryer. As I type this up on Sunday afternoon, I have the very last load in the washer. Yay me! Of course that will last until the kids start taking showers tonight so it will be a short lived happiness. 

I have a ton to do this coming week, including getting blood work done, 2 doctors appointments, work, Jacob has a track meet, bible study, etc. 

I feel like this post is all over the place. I should end this so that I can take the trash out and maybe get something else done, now that I have had momentum. 

What are you up to this weekend? Do you get the organizing bug at the beginning of a new year? How do you save money at the grocery store? 

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