Happy Friday! Man it has been a couple of days.
I have had several doctors appointments and lab work completed. Waiting on results from a few of those labs. Monday I had labs done for my kidney doctor. Tuesday, I had my yearly physical with my primary care doc-- who is referring me to have a mammogram and a colonoscopy. She also wanted different labs, so I had to have more blood work done for her. Wednesday I had an appointment with my kidney doc. She is concerned because some of my levels are going back to where they were when my kidneys started acting up. She has added a phosphorus pill back to my medicine intake. It is what it is I guess.
The weather has wreaked havoc on us. Tuesday I left work 45 minutes before my doc appointment (which takes 20 minutes to get to) as it was snowing. The roads were terrible, and it took me 40 minutes to get there. I am glad that I left early.
Yesterday morning the kids' school got cancelled due to the timing of some snow squalls that dumped a quick 2 inches of snow on the ground. I also decided to take a sick day, as I woke with a massive headache and our preschool got cancelled. I am supposed to go into work even if there is no school for the kids, but honestly I really didn't want to drive in the snow. I have been dealing with a headache now for 3 days. At times it is better than at other times. Last night I was awake from 1:30 AM to 4:30 AM with a headache and just really didn't feel good. I am pretty sure I am fighting something off. I called off today as well, as I was exhausted and not feeling good. I had to go to urgent care and get a doctors notice since Monday is a holiday. The doc believes I am fighting off a virus; he is wondering if it is flu A, as that is showing similar symptoms with headache for days and nausea and just feeling blah. I just want to feel better. I am trying to be productive when I have a burst of energy. And by that I mean, read a book, work on the Lego flower set that I got for Christmas, do dishes, put in a grocery delivery order, etc.
Speaking of groceries, I tried a new recipe this week that I wanted to share for 3 ingredient homemade air fryer chicken nuggets.
Apparently it is a keto recipe, but I am not following keto so that means nothing to me (although I know some readers here follow it!). It was super easy and simple to make and most importantly super yummy! Mine actually had 4 ingredients--- canned chicken, shredded colby-jack cheese, an egg, and garlic powder. You can find the recipe
here. I ate mine with chic-fil-a sauce. Rebecca had ketchup with hers. I will definitely be making these again!
This weekend is going to be busy. Jacob has an indoor track meet tomorrow. I need to do some laundry and get some more things done at home.
What is on your agenda this weekend? How's the weather where you live?