Monday, October 31, 2022

Sleepover, Apple Picking and 2022 Jack-o-Lanterns

Happy Halloween everyone! Today is shaping up to be a busy day. I have to go into work early today and then after work I will head to Benjamin's school for his LAST Halloween parade at his elementary school. I am hoping that the rain holds off. Then tonight, the kids want to go trick or treating so that will take some time. Thankfully, we are having Wendy's for dinner as is our tradition!! It is a busy day after a relaxing weekend. 

Speaking of the weekend, we were able to have some family fun as well. Thursday night, Bill and the boys decided to have a sleepover in the living room since there was no school or work the next day. (Rebecca and I slept in our own beds in our own rooms.)


Friday, we decided to have a family fun day as neither Bill nor I had to work, and the kids were off of school. The weather was gorgeous, so we decided to head out to the apple orchard to pick apples. This is a tradition that we try to do every year. We went to Legend Hills Orchard. Going on a weekday meant that there was hardly anyone else in the orchard and it was a nice time. We picked 2 huge bags of apples so that I can make crockpot applesauce and apple pies, along with having lots of apples for eating.


Then we headed to McDonald's for lunch so that Bill could get a McRib. He loves those sandwiches and since they say this is it's farewell tour, he had to get one. I took a bite of his and I am not a fan so I will not miss them. 

Friday evening, we carved our family pumpkins after dinner. The kids enjoy this activity. Personally, I like carving pumpkins, but cleaning it out first is so gross.


This year's jack-o-lanterns were:

a spider by Bill.


a sunflower by me. 

Forky (from Toy Story) by Benjamin.


a face by Jacob. 

and a flying ghost by Rebecca. 

I think they turned out really cute and look great on our porch.


Well, I need to finish this post up so I can take Ben to school and head to work. I hope everyone has a great Halloween and has more treats than tricks today. 

Saturday, October 29, 2022

1st Annual Family Fall Festival

 Happy Saturday everyone! The last 2 weekends around here have been gorgeous weather-wise. We have definitely taken advantage of it. Last Saturday, my parents hosted their 1st annual Family Fall festival for their kids and grandkids. The weather was absolutely perfect for it. Sunny, in the mid 60s.

The kids had a blast playing in the leaves and building leaf piles.


My brother cooked on the grill and we had a TON of food! 

The kids carved pumpkins. 


They made smores over the fire pit, and we sang songs while Rebecca accompanied us on her guitar. 

It was a really nice way to spend a fall Saturday night.

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Health Update

 Happy Thursday everyone! It feels like a Saturday to me, as the kids and I are off school/ work until Monday. Last night and today were parent/teacher conferences for the schools so we got today and tomorrow off. I am ready for a break. We have been super busy and it will be nice to just be able to get some things done at home and not have to rush, rush, rush. 

That being said, I wanted to hop on here and do a quick health update about me. Like I said in my last post, I had an appointment with a hematologist, as my blood work numbers keep showing that I am slightly anemic. His theory was it may be 2 medicines that I was put on last April when I had my heart issues (my blood pressure medicine and my water pill). He ordered more blood work and tests. 

Last week I saw my nephrologist, as most of the blood work numbers also are pointing to a kidney issue. She had the results of the blood work from hematology and seems to be in agreement that it a result of the blood pressure medicine and the water pill. She is also wondering if my heart isn't fully recovered from the issues I had last year. So, she took some action. She changed my blood pressure medicine and water pill medicine to a new one that is all in one. She also wants me to start taking an iron pill daily to help with the anemia. She also ordered an echocardiogram to be done to check my heart again. (The hospital called today and got that scheduled for a couple of weeks from now.) 

I started the new blood pressure medication and iron pill last Friday. This week, I do think that I have had some more energy. Monday, I felt pretty good all day and was able to be productive. Monday morning, I asked Ben if he wanted to walk to school like we used to. He smiled huge and said yes, then he asked if my heart was okay to walk. I was able to walk him and back. I did have to sit for several minutes after I got home, but it felt good to be out. Tuesday, I overdid it and had a bad night energy wise and a headache. Yesterday was better. Today has been pretty good with energy and I am trying to find that balance of getting things done and resting when I need to. 

So that is the update. I am doing okay. Still trying to hang in there and do the best that I can do. I am really hoping that this new medication and things will be the answer that we are looking for. 


Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Hello... still here...crazy busy...

 Hi everyone! I promise that I did not intend to disappear for that long. It has been over a month since I last blogged, and I didn't intend that to happen. Between crazy kids' schedules, work, not feeling well, etc. there has not been enough hours in the day. Just to give you an idea, here is our October family calendar with things every single day!  

et's do a little update on what's been happening based on what pictures are on my phone...

Rebecca started going to our church youth group. We are combining with another parish and during their first meeting I had to use the restroom. When I was in the restroom, they had this sign on the wall and it couldn't have come at a better time for me. 

This was seen a couple days after I saw the hematologist. I am still having lots of health issues. The main one being I am TIRED all the time. I can sleep all night and wake up exhausted. By the end of the day, I am exhausted. It is not unusual for me to be in bed by 8pm most nights. I am still getting out of breath as well. I saw the hematologist who suspects that it may be a couple of medicines that I have been on, but of course wanted to do more blood work and a 24-hour urine test and a stool sample test. I see him again next week for results. I am tired of being sick and tired. 

The high school had military appreciation week the week before Homecoming and one of their activities was to have Blackhawk chopper on the field and to do a flyover before the football game. I was sitting in the parking lot waiting to pick Jacob and Rebecca up and saw it fly overhead. It was pretty cool. 

Speaking of Homecoming, Rebecca was able to attend the dance this year. She picked her dress out on Amazon and then made sparkly tennis shoes with modge podge and glitter (as the dance was in the school Fieldhouse, where girls were not allowed to wear dress shoes or heels as they would mess up the floor...) We met up with a couple of her friends prior to the dance for pictures at the park. She had a blast. 

We got a piano. A friend of mine offered us a piano for free. Her and her sister were looking to rehome their dad's piano and wanted to give it to a family who would use it. Thankfully, we had another friend who offered the use of their trailer to transport it and my brother and Bill and 2 friends moved it to our house for us. This meant that we had to rearrange our living room and dining room, but it looks great in our dining room and Rebecca is loving having a piano. 

We celebrated Jacob's 13th birthday! October 11, Jacob turned 13! We had a dinner party for him on that Saturday with chili and hot dogs and chocolate lasagna. My parents and his cousins came over for dinner to celebrate.


On his actual birthday, Jacob had his first 7th grade choir concert at school. The choir sounded great, and you could tell how much Jacob loves singing by seeing his smile throughout the concert. 

The following night, Rebecca had her first high school Chorale concert. This is the audition choir for the high school. She looked so grown up in her choir dress and the concert was amazing. She had a small solo and sounded fabulous.


Speaking of choir, our church is starting its choir program back up after not having it for the past 2 years due to COVID. Rebecca and I have decided to join. Practices are once a week for an hour and then we sing at the mass that we usually go to. So, it works out for our family, and I am really enjoying it more than I thought I would.

Last Friday, we decided to go out and see some of the fall color on the bike path before the wind/cold weather was supposed to hit. It was a nice walk, and the first walk that I had been on in a while. I will admit that I didn't do anything when we got home, except order pizza in for dinner, and I was in bed by 7:30 that night as the walk kicked my behind. However, the fresh air did feel good. 

Speaking of the weather, on Monday, our temperatures dropped, and we had snow showers on and off in the afternoon! It is too soon for snow!!!!  I was at work and my coworker and I looked out at the snow at the same time and both were not happy. 

Today it is cold and rainy and gross out. We have a freeze watch for tonight with temperatures in the 20s. By this weekend it is supposed to be in the 70s. Crazy Ohio fall weather for sure. 

What else, has been going on? 

Ben has been doing a new after school program called "Jacket Club" 3 days a week. He also attended a basketball camp for a few weeks that he enjoyed. At the end of this month, he has Upward basketball evaluations with that season starting in December. He is doing well in school and is enjoying 5th grade.

Bill is working a lot. They are short staffed, so he is being allowed overtime. It is hard emotionally and physically, but he is doing it. He has also stepped it up big time at home, doing dished almost nightly and trying to keep up with the laundry for me (since he doesn't want me to do the stairs). 

So that's the update from around here. Life is crazy busy during this season of life and throw in the health stuff and it becomes even crazier. I have been reading blogs, usually on my phone while I am in my van waiting to pick up a child. I am not the best at commenting due to not liking to respond on my phone, but know that I am still here and I do appreciate those who have reached out to see if everything it okay!