Sorry I have been MIA on this blog. The last time I wrote was on February 5, when I told you all about
having the flu and coming home from having kidney stone surgery. Thank you everyone for your well wishes and good thoughts. I wouldn't wish having the flu and kidney stones simultaneously on anyone! Well life has continued to go on, as it should, and I have just been trying to keep up really.
The Thursday after I came home, Rebecca's school had their annual Knowledge Fair and science fair night, where all the kids got to show off their projects. The second grade did individual reports on dinosaurs and had to complete a diorama about their dinosaurs (that thankfully my mom helped her to finish since I was in the hospital). Rebecca did her report on the pterodactyl. Unfortunately I was still in a lot of pain and therefore missed it, but I heard that she did great and she told me her little presentation when she came home.
I missed work that week. My doctor wanted me to take a month off due to having both influenza B and the kidney stones, but I just can't afford to take that kind of time off. I did end up taking last Monday and Tuesday off. On Monday, I had my stint taken out. I was so glad to have it out, as it was causing me to have spasms and those were really painful and it meant I had to get up and go to the bathroom every hour and a half. During my appointment, my urologist told me that basically I should only be drinking water and real homemade lemonade, or water with lemon as there is something in the lemon acid that helps to break up kidney stones in women. So I have been drinking a lot of water and water with lemon. I have to go back in 6 months for an x-ray and to make sure that no new stones are forming.
Wednesday last week, I went back to work and I was exhausted. I came home and crashed. I took Thursday off and then worked again on Friday. I was very tired. One of the side effects of this stupid influenza B is prolonged tiredness that could last up to a month. I have been extremely tired and cold to my bones as well.
Thursday and Friday the kids had their Valentine's Day parties at school. Jacob actually had 2 parties as he has different teachers on Thursday and Friday. Rebecca's class had their party on Friday. Both kids said their parties were fun. The kids had to make boxes to take to school for their Valentine's. I covered the boxes in plain brown wrapping paper that I had and gave the kids stickers and markers and they created their own boxes. I didn't have the energy to get really creative with them this year, and the kids didn't seem to mind.

Saturday, Valentine's Day, it was cold (wind chills in -20s) and there were a lot of times with white out snow conditions. We stayed home. Bill went out and got the kids McDonald's for Valentine's Day lunch and then he and I had subs from the pizza place across the street for dinner. Sunday, we decided to brave the cold and took the 2 older kids to see the new Spongebob movie. It was Jacob's first time to see a movie in the theater and he did great. He loved it! As for me, it was okay. Really it was a glorified episode....
Today, it is President's Day, which means no school for the kiddos. I did tutor this morning (I am tutoring our neighbor in English and Spelling), but other than that I have not done much. It is so cold outside and I have been freezing all day long, even though it is 70 in our house. I have also been exhausted all day. I took an hour nap on the couch this afternoon.
This week, I am taking Tuesday and Thursday off from work, with hopefully going back everyday starting next week. I hope that my energy level comes back as we get life back to normal. I just am tired of being sick and tired.
How are things in your neck of the woods?