Thursday, July 7, 2022

We took a family vacation: Day 1

Happy Thursday! 

As I mentioned yesterday, my family went on a family vacation to North Carolina. We actually went on an extended family vacation with my family (Bill, the kids and I), my parents, my niece and nephew, my sister and her partner and their dog, and my brother. (On a side note, my brother's fiancé was supposed to join us, however she broke up with him the week before we left so that cast a pallor on our vacation.) We all went together to rent an ocean front house directly on the beach. 

We left around 4AM on the morning of June 25 to make the drive to Emerald Isle, North Carolina. This is about 4 hours later than we would normally leave, however we couldn't check in until 4PM so decided to leave later. Thankfully, traffic wasn't horrible, and we really had no problems with the drive.

We arrived in North Carolina around 10:30 Saturday morning. We stopped at the rest area just across the border as is our tradition and had to take our photo in front of the "Welcome to North Carolina" sign. 

We stopped at McDonald's somewhere in North Carolina for lunch. When we are traveling, we only eat fast food on the road. We try really, really hard NOT to eat fast food chains when we are settled into where we are vacationing. 

We arrived at the house that we were all renting around 4:30ish. It was named Awesome Views. The kids immediately wanted to get their suits on and head to the beach.

My parents, niece, nephew and my sister were also there. (My sister's partner Cecilia and my brother Josh and the dog were coming on Sunday as Cecilia had to work on Friday night into Saturday morning and my brother was in a wedding on Saturday night). They left to go to the grocery store, while we hung out on the beach. We decided to order pizza for dinner as it would mean an easy dinner after a long day of driving. 

We got yummy pizza and chicken gyros from Circle Pizza

After dinner, we call kind of hung out on the deck and then headed to bed waiting for our adventures to begin the next day. 

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

I need a vacation...

 ...from my vacation! 

Happy July everyone! I am slowly recuperating from a week's long vacation to North Carolina that we took last week. I plan to blog about it soon, but honestly, I have been exhausted and tired since we got home late Saturday night. Today was the worst as I have had a slight headache all day and just exhausted. I just wanted to pop on and say hi and that I am still here. I am hoping to be back tomorrow with the start of my vacation recap, if I can get my photos to load properly. LOL For now, I am off to watch "Thor: Ragnorak" with the kids. It will be a lazy night. Hope you all have a good one!