Monday, March 10, 2025


 Happy tired Monday everyone! Did the time change affect you? It did me. I am exhausted today. Or it could be that the boys are sick (throwing up) and I didn't get much sleep last night. Or it's probably a combination of both. All I know is that I am exhausted. 

Sorry for the lack of posts the last 2 weeks. Just been busy with everyday stuff. When you have 3 kids, all very involved in different activities, time becomes sacred. 

Some of the things we've been up to here in our house include: 

Taking a walk on a somewhat warm day. There was one day before track started for Ben that he and I took a walk after I got home from work and before we had to pick his sister and brother up from play practice. 

Ben's been doing very well in therapy. His therapist agrees that we are going to start working on his anxiety as he scored a 57 on a test for anxiety where normal is 15. Ben has been enjoying wearing hoodies, as he has joined the middle school track team and they have to wear layers everyday. He has also enjoyed being silly. 

We helped my sister and sister-in-love move all their boxes into my parents' garage. They are trying to buy a house here in my town but they are staying with my parents in the meantime. 

I made homemade egg rolls for the first time ever. They were super yummy. 

We've had some pretty sunrises. 

Rebecca and Jacob had their "Music in the Schools"  March concert. The Chorale sounded AMAZING and they even got a standing ovation for their last song. They have a large group competition coming up this weekend. 

There have been the usual play practices for Rebecca and Jacob. Ben has had track each day after school. Jacob has had track when he is not at play practice. I have been working, not really knowing if I will have a job after this year due to the people in Washington making budget cuts and possibly cutting funding to Head Start. It is all a lot. Then throw in the day to day life of laundry, cooking, cleaning, etc. and I don't have a whole lot of time left in my day. I think this meme from Facebook explains it clearly right now for my life: 

Well, I am off. I need to flip laundry (so thankful I got my laundry caught up on Saturday as the boys started puking yesterday). I also am going to head into work for about an hour to set things up for this week and then I have a doctors appointment. Then back home to care for the sick kiddos. Pray that they get over this quickly and Rebecca and I do not get it. 

What's up in your world recently? 

Monday, February 24, 2025

Happy Monday everyone! Another week is here. This weekend was busy again.... the story of my life.


Saturday, I took an all day class that focused on parenting a child with anxiety. All 3 of my kids (and myself) deal with anxiety so it was a very informative class and I am glad that I took it. 

When I got home, I took Rebecca and her best friend Felix out to Dollar Tree and to Fiesta Mexicana for dinner. I love being around my kids' friends. This child is like my 4th child. 

Sunday, I went to mass and taught PSR. Then it was off to my nephew's band concert. It was a good concert and since it is a small school district, it was a short concert. My nephew really is enjoying playing the saxophone. 

Now it is on to another week...I HAVE to get back to meal planning and following my plan. I need to lose some weight and am pondering that for Lent... we shall see. What I can start with is menu planning so let's see what is on the menu.....  


What we ate this past week:

SUNDAY: Bratwurst, green beans and mac-n-cheese

MONDAY: Made bacon cheeseburger soup and rolls. Was a new recipe that was just okay. 

TUESDAY:: No picture, but crazy day meant McDonald's for dinner. 

WEDNESDAY: Homemade subs and pineapple (kids also had chips)

THURSDAY: Honestly, it was another McDonald's day. I got my once a year Shamrock shake. No picture again. 

FRIDAY: Pizza night from Dominos. They were having sale so I ordered. 

SATURDAY: Went out for Mexican with Rebecca and her best friend. 

It was an eating out heavy week. Sometimes weeks are like that. I need to reign it in though. Lent is coming up and I am contemplating eating out among other things. 


What will we eat this week?:

Sunday: It was a fend for yourself kind of night. Ben and Jacob had mac-n-cheese. Rebecca had a 3 minute pizza. I had an egg sandwich. 

Monday: Crockpot Tex-Mex chicken and rice

Tuesday: General Tsao chicken in crockpot and rice

Wednesday: YOYO/ kids with dad

Thursday:  Chili and crackers

Friday: Pizza rolls and fruit

Saturday: The boys are with their father/ YOYO 

What are you eating this week? 

Friday, February 21, 2025

Five on Friday: It's been a busy week

 Happy Friday everyone! 

We made it to the weekend. 

And Wowser's it was a busy week! 

So today for Five on Friday I thought I would do a quick recap of the week:

1. Monday

This was President's Day and I was supposed to take Ben to get blood work done. However, Mother Nature had other plans. We got snow and ice on Sunday and Monday and we were under a Level 2 snow emergency for part of the day. Needless to say, we stayed home as the kids and I were all off work/school. We just hung out at home. I did some puttering around the house, did my Bible Study stuff, and just puttered. 

2. Tuesday

Today was COLD and LONG. At work, we had kids who have been acting CRAZY all week and then had to get ready for our art show which was the next day. Then I had an in-service meeting that I had to attend. Needless to say I felt behind all day and I had forgotten to put something in the Crockpot so I stopped at McDonald's on the way home. The kids were thrilled that I had gotten them McD's. 

3. Wednesday

Wednesday was another LONG day at work as we had our annual art show. It was well attended but again made for a long day as it was after class was over. The parents loved it though and that is what matters.  

4. Thursday

Yesterday, we had more snow! Enough to give a 2 hour delay for the kids. It was a crazy ride to work where I had to stop twice to use water to clean off my windshield as the spray from trucks made it impossible to see and my windshield wiper fluid sprayers were frozen. Not a good combination. It was an okay day at work. After work, I picked up my medicine at Walmart, picked up a Shamrock shake and dinner from McDonald's for me and after I ate, I went to Adoration at my church and my Bible Study. Again another long but good day.

5. Friday

Today was another 2 hour delay day for the kids. I am beginning to hate 2 hour delay days and the snow. Thankfully today my windshield washer fluid worked! It wasn't a super crazy day at work. It was still a long day though as I had to take Ben to counseling, pick up my Kroger order, had a Walmart order delivered, and am now writing up this post. Even Gronk is like, "Why haven't you been home all week?" 

Like I said it has been a long week. This weekend looks busy as well as I am taking an all day class tomorrow and on Sunday I want to go to my nephew's band concert. 

Oh well. Such is life! 

Thanks to Cathy from My Creative Life for hosting this link party each Friday! 

How has your week been? 

Monday, February 17, 2025

Busy, weather weekend and menu plan

Happy Monday everyone! Today is President's Day and the kids and I are off of school and work today. It feels so good not to have to go into work, although this is going to be a long, busy week at work. 

This weekend ended up being pretty busy as well. Saturday we woke up to ice and freezing rain. The boys ended up going to their dads for the day and Rebecca and I headed down to Athens, Ohio to Ohio University so that she could audition for their school of music. I will say the visit just felt weird. It is hard to explain, but even Rebecca felt like no one wanted to be there and that it was just a weird vibe. She thinks she did well at her audition though so that is what matters. 

When we left O.U,. we headed to their main shopping street and had dinner at Texas Roadhouse. It was a treat, but one that I decided to make as this was her last audition and now it is time to figure out which school will be a good fit for her. The food was amazing and we brought most of it home. All day long it poured rain, but thankfully it never froze. 

Yesterday, I woke up to more rain. Benjamin and I went to church and when we went into church it was starting to be a little freezing rain. An hour later we came out of church to heavy snow. We probably got around 4 inches yesterday morning. Yesterday was a simple at home day. I did some small organizing projects--- like cleaning out my recipe binder and my jewelry box. 

BEFORE--- loose pages, random recipes, etc. 

AFTER-- Recipes organized in groups. The pile on the left side went into recycling. 

I also did some laundry. I made the boys go outside to play as they needed to get some energy out and they haven't had a chance to play in the snow this year as it has been too cold or I wasn't home.   

Today, after I write this post I need to check to see if our snow emergency has been lifted. If it has, I will take Ben to get some blood work done. If not, then I will stay at home and do laundry and maybe read. I also need to get our dinner in the crockpot. Speaking of dinner, lets get on with seeing what I ate and what I will eat this week. Hopefully you can get some ideas from me.  


What we ate this past week:

SUNDAY:: Homemade Chinese food at our Family dinner at my parents' house

MONDAY: Pasta Bake

TUESDAY: Soft Tacos

WEDNESDAY: Total girl dinner-- chicken salad on croissants

THURSDAY: Boys had Frozen pizza, I had more chicken salad and Rebecca was at a fundraiser where she had pancakes. 

FRIDAY: Valentine's Day-- Heart shaped chicken nuggets, green beans, pasta, sparkling grape apple juice

SATURDAY:: Rebecca and I went to Texas Roadhouse after her college audition. We took most of the food home. 


What will we eat this week?:

Sunday: Bratwurst, green beans and macaroni and cheese

Monday: Crockpot Cheeseburger Soup and rolls

Tuesday: Nachos

Wednesday: Homemade subs, chips

Thursday: Kids are with their dad/ Y.O.Y.O-- probably another girl dinner 

Friday: Pizza rolls and fruit

Saturday: The boys are with their father/ YOYO 

What are you eating this week? 

Any ideas for quick or crockpot meals I can make since we are entering play and track season? 

Friday, February 14, 2025

Five on Friday: Valentine's Day and Real Hearts

Happy Friday and Happy Valentine's Day to those that celebrate! I am joining in tonight with Five on Friday hosted by My Creative Life. This week it is all about Valentine's Day and Hearts. 

1. For Valentine's Day, I do celebrate in a small way. This year, I have no Valentine, other than my children so I celebrated them. I made them a nice dinner at home complete with candles and sparking grape juice. I also got them some candy and a new pair of socks each as a treat. Rebecca got Sprite socks. Jacob got Mountain Dew socks and Ben got Yoda socks. The socks came from Dollar Tree. Dinner was heart shaped chicken nuggets, sauteed green beans, Olive oil pasta, and strawberries and grapes. They enjoyed it. 

2. Even though I don't have a Valentine this year, I did receive a little Valentine's Day treat from my boss who gave me some chocolate. It was yummy! 

3. I also made a dessert for Valentine's Day-- a blackberry swirl cheesecake brownie. I saw the recipe last night on Northwoods Scrapbook blog and decided to make them then and there. They are fantastic!

 4. I did buy myself a little Valentine's Day present. Our zoo was holding a fundraiser where you could sponsor a worm and name it and then they would feed it to their sloth bears. I bought a worm and named it after a certain ex, as it was going for a good cause and I thought it was absolutely hilarious. The zoo then sent a video out to see the sloth bear eating the worms. 

5. Finally in other heart related news, that is not Valentine's related, Ben had his cardiology appointment. They found that he does still have a stage 1 A-V block but it has not gotten any worse than when they saw it on his EKG 7 years ago. What they did not like though was that one wall in his heart was thicker than it should be and it is something to keep an eye on. They also did not like that is blood pressure was elevated (they could not get it down below 130) so they sent him home with a 24 hour blood pressure monitor. They also want him to get fasting blood work done in the next few days. If his blood pressure is still showing high on the monitor then we may have to see nephrology since he has a history of kidney issues. 

That is all my ❤ related stuff for this Five on Friday. This weekend is looking to be busy and the weather is supposed to be iffy so it will be an adventure. Ben wants me to go play "Uno Show no Mercy" so I gotta go. Until next time, sending well wishes your way! 

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

My test results

Happy Wednesday everyone! Yesterday I had my followup medical appointment for my abnormal mammogram. I had to have another mammogram on the right side and an ultrasound on both sides. 

The right side turned out to be absolutely normal and no issues. 

The left side however showed 3 spots that are "probably benign." according to the doctor who read the results. He said that the protocol is to have a follow up ultrasound in 6 months.  In his report he reported that they are "circumscribed hypoechoic mass with no internal doppler signal or posterior acoustic features." These 3 masses are smaller than the size of a pea. He described them as fibroadenomas. 

Needless to say I am still anxious about these findings. Everything that I have read and seen says standard protocol is the waiting 6 months for a followup. It is going to be a long 6 months. 

Monday, February 10, 2025

Track, Weather and What We're Eating

Happy Monday everyone! First of all, thank you for the good thoughts and wishes on my post on Friday. This week I should get some answers and fingers crossed these health things are not a big deal. I do appreciate the thoughts. 

The weekend has come and gone. It was an okay weekend here. Jacob had his last indoor track meet (Rebecca also volunteered to help at that meet) and we got to go to that. Then it was home to do laundry, putter around the house and watch some TV and just go at a slow pace. It was much needed. I got some more decluttering done. 

We also had some wild weather-- including thunder, heavy rain, freezing rain, sleet, ice, etc. When I took the trash out Saturday night their was ice hanging on the tree branches. Thankfully, yesterday the temperatures rose. It is supposed to be a crazy weather week here so we shall see what this week brings. 

This week also marks the beginning of play practice for Rebecca, doctors appointments, etc so meals will be easy, quick, able to be made the night before.... I think you get the picture.  So having a meal plan is going to be essential over the next few weeks, even more so than normally. So let's see what we are going to be eating....


What we ate this past week:

SUNDAY: Chicken and Cheese casserole, applesauce and broccoli

MONDAY: Ham, Cheddar and Blackberry Jam panini (copycat recipe from a local deli) and onion rings

TUESDAY: Chili and Crackers

WEDNESDAY: Wings and a diet Pepsi. It was a long day. Boys were with their dad. 

THURSDAY: Homemade chicken nuggets, french fries and cucumbers

FRIDAY: The kids had Pizza, I think that I had a sausage sandwich from the freezer as I wasn't hungry

SATURDAY: Chicken fajita plate- chicken, pepper and onions over yellow rice topped with Queso with corn; boys were with their dad.


What will we eat this week?:

SundayChinese night at my parents' house for family dinner. (We are trying to do this once a month so that all the cousins, and siblings can get together)

Monday: Pasta bake

Tuesday: Beef tacos

Wednesday: The boys are with their dad. I have no idea what Rebecca and I are having

Thursday: Pizza and fruit

Friday: Valentine's Day chicken nuggets, fresh veggies that need to be used, fruit that needs to be used

Saturday: The boys are with their father. Not sure what Rebecca and I will have as she has a music college audition. 

What will you be eating this week?