Friday, February 14, 2025

Five on Friday: Valentine's Day and Real Hearts

Happy Friday and Happy Valentine's Day to those that celebrate! I am joining in tonight with Five on Friday hosted by My Creative Life. This week it is all about Valentine's Day and Hearts. 

1. For Valentine's Day, I do celebrate in a small way. This year, I have no Valentine, other than my children so I celebrated them. I made them a nice dinner at home complete with candles and sparking grape juice. I also got them some candy and a new pair of socks each as a treat. Rebecca got Sprite socks. Jacob got Mountain Dew socks and Ben got Yoda socks. The socks came from Dollar Tree. Dinner was heart shaped chicken nuggets, sauteed green beans, Olive oil pasta, and strawberries and grapes. They enjoyed it. 

2. Even though I don't have a Valentine this year, I did receive a little Valentine's Day treat from my boss who gave me some chocolate. It was yummy! 

3. I also made a dessert for Valentine's Day-- a blackberry swirl cheesecake brownie. I saw the recipe last night on Northwoods Scrapbook blog and decided to make them then and there. They are fantastic!

 4. I did buy myself a little Valentine's Day present. Our zoo was holding a fundraiser where you could sponsor a worm and name it and then they would feed it to their sloth bears. I bought a worm and named it after a certain ex, as it was going for a good cause and I thought it was absolutely hilarious. The zoo then sent a video out to see the sloth bear eating the worms. 

5. Finally in other heart related news, that is not Valentine's related, Ben had his cardiology appointment. They found that he does still have a stage 1 A-V block but it has not gotten any worse than when they saw it on his EKG 7 years ago. What they did not like though was that one wall in his heart was thicker than it should be and it is something to keep an eye on. They also did not like that is blood pressure was elevated (they could not get it down below 130) so they sent him home with a 24 hour blood pressure monitor. They also want him to get fasting blood work done in the next few days. If his blood pressure is still showing high on the monitor then we may have to see nephrology since he has a history of kidney issues. 

That is all my ❤ related stuff for this Five on Friday. This weekend is looking to be busy and the weather is supposed to be iffy so it will be an adventure. Ben wants me to go play "Uno Show no Mercy" so I gotta go. Until next time, sending well wishes your way! 


  1. Like the worm idea. Hopefully Ben will be fine.

  2. I liked the idea of naming worms and other insects and feeding them to zoo animals when I saw it on the news on tv. I should have named something after my worm in my past. Hopefully Ben will improve.

  3. Sending good thoughts for Ben. Remember there's all kinds of love, and love for yourself and children is as special as a Valentine.

  4. What a lovely celebration of the day!
    Sending good thoughts to all of you and Ben.
    Here’s a funny thing: I don’t typically do anything besides decorate, and cook a fancy meal for Valentine’s Day. Moreover , I haven’t left the house much lately, due to the weather. But wanted to go thrifting to pick up a stoneware tea pot and cups a kid and I had seen in his favorite vintage pattern. I thought it would make a nice little gift for Valentine’s Day. (The others got gift cards in homemade gift holders, with a Russell Stover Valentine’s chocolate bar, but this one NEVER remembers to use gift cards, and has asked that I don’t “waste them” on him.) Anyway, I went to the shop on Thursday, and it wasn’t there. So that kid got a card and a Russell Stover Valentine’s chocolate bar. Friday, I spent the better part of the morning cleaning, baking a chocolate cheesecake, and making a lasagna for dinner. I finally took a shower around 2, to come out and see the kitchen table adorned with the four cups around that very tea pot! Kid was at the thrift shop with me when he saw me admire it, and he and DH snuck out to pick it up for me!
    Dinner was only DH and me, as the kids all had other plans! They all came back for the cheesecake, some even foregoing dessert
    out for it!
    -Meg B.

    1. That is so sweet about the tea pot and cups. Chocolate cheesecake sounds so good!

  5. Hi Rachel, thank you for joining me for another Five on Friday, I love the Friday catch ups in Blog-land. I enjoyed reading about your family Valentines celebrations... even the worm story. I do hope all will be well for Ben. Take care Cathy x

  6. Happy Belated Valentine's Day! I love your celebration with the kids. Can't go wrong with chocolate either. Hope it is good news for Ben. The part of your post about the worm naming cracked me up, I loved that!

  7. I am howling at the worm idea! LOL! What a great way to raise money for a good cause! I do hope Ben is doing better by now. I am very behind on blog reading.
