Happy tired Monday everyone! Did the time change affect you? It did me. I am exhausted today. Or it could be that the boys are sick (throwing up) and I didn't get much sleep last night. Or it's probably a combination of both. All I know is that I am exhausted.
Sorry for the lack of posts the last 2 weeks. Just been busy with everyday stuff. When you have 3 kids, all very involved in different activities, time becomes sacred.
Some of the things we've been up to here in our house include:
Taking a walk on a somewhat warm day. There was one day before track started for Ben that he and I took a walk after I got home from work and before we had to pick his sister and brother up from play practice.
Ben's been doing very well in therapy. His therapist agrees that we are going to start working on his anxiety as he scored a 57 on a test for anxiety where normal is 15. Ben has been enjoying wearing hoodies, as he has joined the middle school track team and they have to wear layers everyday. He has also enjoyed being silly.
We helped my sister and sister-in-love move all their boxes into my parents' garage. They are trying to buy a house here in my town but they are staying with my parents in the meantime.
I made homemade egg rolls for the first time ever. They were super yummy.
We've had some pretty sunrises.
Rebecca and Jacob had their "Music in the Schools" March concert. The Chorale sounded AMAZING and they even got a standing ovation for their last song. They have a large group competition coming up this weekend.
Well, I am off. I need to flip laundry (so thankful I got my laundry caught up on Saturday as the boys started puking yesterday). I also am going to head into work for about an hour to set things up for this week and then I have a doctors appointment. Then back home to care for the sick kiddos. Pray that they get over this quickly and Rebecca and I do not get it.
What's up in your world recently?