Happy Monday and Happy St. Patrick's Day to all those who celebrate. I am part Irish (my Paternal Great-Grandparents immigrated from Ireland) so I wear green and maybe make a green dessert. I don't go all out as I am usually working, however NOT this year. I had a personal day today and have loved every minute of it! Before I get into that let's see what's been going on this past week....
Last I wrote, the boys were sick with the stomach bug. Well they got over that and just in time for Ben's choir concert on Tuesday night. The 7th and 8th grade choirs sounded great and I loved every minute of the concert.
Life continued for normal for about a day until I became sick with the stomach bug and spent Wednesday night and most of Thursday too sick to move. That stomach bug was nasty. I never had a fever (although I woke up in sweat twice). But man did I ache and couldn't keep anything down. Finally Thursday night I started feeling a little better. Which was good because I went out to see the Lunar Eclispe that happened around 3AM.
I did work on Friday but man I ached. Thankfully, I am back to feeling pretty normal now.
Rebecca, during all of this, avoided us like the plague. She had District OMEA Large Group competition on Friday and COULD not get sick. Thankfully she did not end up getting sick. Jacob and Rebecca and their high school Chorale went to district's, earned a 1 which is the highest score and now advance to the State Large Group competition! So Proud of those kids. I was sorry to miss districts, but it would have been a tight turn around to watch them perform and I was still not feeling well enough to go. Both Rebecca and Jacob said that they understood.
We did end up watching "Moana 2" on Friday night which Ben loved. I give it a B. Music and graphics were good, but the storyline left lots of be desired.
Rebecca and I were supposed to go shopping for prom dresses this weekend, but like many other areas in the Midwest, we were dealing with storms and rain so we postponed to next weekend. Instead, I did some laundry, and spent a ton of time in the kitchen making food for this week as our schedule is super busy and I need to cook more at home than what happened last week. I made a pasta bake that I froze for later this week, chicken enchiladas for tomorrow night's dinner, tuna salad, peanut butter cookies, a green vanilla Bundt cake, and pulled a roast out for dinner tonight.
Yesterday, I took a long nap. Laid down for what was supposed to be 20 minutes and ended up sleeping for over 2 hours. I guess my body needed it. I puttered around the house, folding laundry, etc.
Today, like I mentioned I took a personal day from work. I took the kids to school. Went to Kroger to get au jus for the roast I am making today and they were all out except for the most expensive packet. I got it though as I needed it. Home to get roast in the crock pot and then it was off to spend the day. I got a massage! Ran to my lawyers to sign some papers (for the never ending divorce). Went to the bookstore. Went to Walmart. Went for a LONG walk in the sunshine.
And now I am working on this post while I wait until it is time to put my mom hat back on and pick Ben up from track practice. It is almost time for me to leave so I will end this here. Hope everyone is having a good day!
How have YOU been doing? Are you doing anything for St. Patrick's Day?
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