Thursday, September 1, 2022


 Well September is coming in with a bout of sickness in our house. :( 

Yesterday, Bill was home from work with achiness, sore throat, etc. He basically slept all day. He tested twice for Covid and both times they were negative. Thankfully, he felt somewhat better this morning. 

Then this morning, Benjamin woke up not feeling well. He said his belly hurt and his legs hurt. He said the only thing that didn't hurt was his hands. I knew he didn't feel good when he basically ignored Jacob. They are usually constantly going at each other. So he is off school today and he has been laying on the couch all morning watching TV. 

Since he is home, I called off work. Like I told my coworker a mom's work is never done. And any plans I had today will be changed. It is what it is. 

I started a load of laundry and will focus on that today I guess and watching cartoons with Benjamin.

Until next time, I hope everyone is doing well!  


  1. I hope Benjamin feels better soon. I hate being sick, especially missing school. Maybe tomorrow will be better for Bill, too.

    1. He wasn't that upset about missing school on Friday as he said he hates library day. LOL. Thankfully Bill is feeling better.

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  3. Hope everyone feels better! Glad it's not Covid, there's been a few bugs going around at my work as well. Just part of the back to school time of year, I think. Though not a fun one. Have a happy and hopefully healthy Labor Day Weekend!

    1. Unfortunately it has turned out to be COVID. :( Ben tested positive Thursday night after I published my post. And yes I do believe it is part of the back to school stuff. There have been several teachers and kids out at the school I work at.

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