Monday, October 31, 2022

Sleepover, Apple Picking and 2022 Jack-o-Lanterns

Happy Halloween everyone! Today is shaping up to be a busy day. I have to go into work early today and then after work I will head to Benjamin's school for his LAST Halloween parade at his elementary school. I am hoping that the rain holds off. Then tonight, the kids want to go trick or treating so that will take some time. Thankfully, we are having Wendy's for dinner as is our tradition!! It is a busy day after a relaxing weekend. 

Speaking of the weekend, we were able to have some family fun as well. Thursday night, Bill and the boys decided to have a sleepover in the living room since there was no school or work the next day. (Rebecca and I slept in our own beds in our own rooms.)


Friday, we decided to have a family fun day as neither Bill nor I had to work, and the kids were off of school. The weather was gorgeous, so we decided to head out to the apple orchard to pick apples. This is a tradition that we try to do every year. We went to Legend Hills Orchard. Going on a weekday meant that there was hardly anyone else in the orchard and it was a nice time. We picked 2 huge bags of apples so that I can make crockpot applesauce and apple pies, along with having lots of apples for eating.


Then we headed to McDonald's for lunch so that Bill could get a McRib. He loves those sandwiches and since they say this is it's farewell tour, he had to get one. I took a bite of his and I am not a fan so I will not miss them. 

Friday evening, we carved our family pumpkins after dinner. The kids enjoy this activity. Personally, I like carving pumpkins, but cleaning it out first is so gross.


This year's jack-o-lanterns were:

a spider by Bill.


a sunflower by me. 

Forky (from Toy Story) by Benjamin.


a face by Jacob. 

and a flying ghost by Rebecca. 

I think they turned out really cute and look great on our porch.


Well, I need to finish this post up so I can take Ben to school and head to work. I hope everyone has a great Halloween and has more treats than tricks today. 


  1. Happy Halloween! Great pumpkins. Do you roast the pumpkin seeds? I tried one year but wasn't a fan. However, they did it at school this year and I really liked those (guess the key is lots of oil and salt, then letting them sit overnight first). Hope you enjoy the parade, those lasts are always a bit bittersweet. Hope you have a wonderful week! (I'm missed you & am so happy to see you posting again though I get how hard it is when things are super busy)

  2. Yeah for family fun days. Enjoy these moments.

  3. Wow! Your Jack-o-lanterns are amazing! Love your family time! Happy Halloween!
