Friday, February 7, 2025

Health stuff and how I am dealing

Happy Friday everyone! It's been a long week and I am so glad it is Friday. This past week was a mixture of emotions, getting things done, and stuff. 

Over last weekend Ben had to have an EKG done. This was ordered by his pediatrician who saw that he had an abnormal EKG when he was in kindergarten and she wanted him to have another in order to sign off on his physical to play school sports. Well, that was done on Saturday and we got the results on Monday. It shows that he has a 1st degree A-V block and that he needs to be evaluated by cardiology. The hospital called today to schedule an appointment for him and he has that appointment next Wednesday. I am not sure what to think. 

Other health stuff has surfaced for me. I have to have a followup mammogram and an ultrasound because they found several spots that they want to look at on my original mammogram. I have that appointment on Tuesday. I am not really sure what I am thinking other than it will be what it will be. I have been avoiding thinking about it honestly. 

So I have been focusing on other stuff--- like cleaning and decluttering. This past week, I cleaned and decluttered my kitchen cabinets. I got rid of lots of things I haven't used in the past 2 years. I didn't take pictures of all my cabinets, but here are a couple that I did. I ended up taking 4 trash bags full of stuff to Goodwill and I have another bag to give to my mom with items she wanted. 

Just a few things that I donated

I have also been slowly decluttering my basement. I think I am down to a box, a bin and an old bed to go through and get rid of. Since January 1, I have taken 15 trash bags full of stuff to Goodwill. It feels so good getting rid of stuff and only having things that I love in my house. 

Speaking of things that I love, I am also surrounding myself with people that I like to be around and can have community with. I have been participating in a Bible study with other women in my church and I love it. Also, this week some of the women have decided to form a book club so I am joining in that as well. Surrounding myself with positive women has also helped my mental health. 

This weekend I will continue to clean house and declutter some. I have laundry to do. Jacob has a track meet tomorrow. Sunday we are supposed to have a family dinner at my parents' house. We are doing a chinese theme dinner. It should be fun. 

So that's what's been going on this week. I have been dealing with a lot and trying to keep moving forward. 


  1. I had a lumpectomy, double mastectomy and radiation. If you need to talk with someone after your results I would be happy to talk with you. Hopefully it is nothing and life will be good

  2. I will be keeping you in my thoughts.
    Meg B.

  3. Sending you hugs. That's a lot of news and waiting. I'm glad you're finding a support system.

  4. Praying for you and your family as you navigate the upcoming appointments and results.

  5. I pray those spots turn out to be benign for you. And praying for Ben too. I hadn't heard about am A-V Block but hope it can be overcome.

    1. Thanks Sluggy! I am hoping. I was blindsided with Ben's issue.

  6. So sorry to hear about the health issues - waiting for answers is the worst. I hope it all comes back benign and treatable!

  7. That's a lot to deal with, wishing you and Ben well and sending prayers for strength!

  8. I hope all is well on the health front. You are doing a good job on the decluttering.

  9. Prayers that all the health news is good and/or easily managed. That's a lot of news to get all at the same time. Glad you've found a positive support group. If you run out of things to declutter in your house, feel free to come visit here.

  10. God bless and hugs. It seems like when it rans it pours. So very sorry about the health issues. On the other hand, your decluttering and tidying looks so good. Inspiring. ~d life on the prairie w/d
