Friday, December 8, 2017

Christmas movies watched so far this year

What do you do when the 5 month old that you babysit doesn't feel her best all week and needs/wants to be held ALL the time? You sit back, enjoy the baby cuddles, and watch bad Christmas movies on Netflix and Amazon Prime. 😊 Since I got to watch a phlethera of movies this week, I thought I would share a few so that if you find you've got some time you can enjoy them too! 


Not all of them were great, but I am glad that I watched them and they all had that feel good feeling that you want to get when you watch a Christmas movie. I will have to say that out of these I think my favorites so far are "Christmas in the Smokies" and "Falling for Christmas." I am sure that I will add more movies to my list in the weeks to come as Christmas approaches. And I may have also had Bill watching a lot of these with me 😁😁 We have also watched a couple of classics including: 

There are many other classics that I will watch over the next month, including other versions of "A Christmas Carol," "It's A Wonderful Life," and "The Polar Express" to name a few. This is probably the one time of year that I do watch a lot of TV (usually while I am doing other things as well!).
What about you, do you watch the "Hallmark" Christmas movies or do you prefer classics? Any movies I need to add to my watch list for this month? 


  1. Believe it or not, my husband is the one who loves to watch the Hallmark movies! LOL (And, no he's not super romantic either! Go figure.) We have a ton of them DVR'd and have been trying to watch one per night. (Of course that has been difficult as of late because of my youngest daughter's heartbreak with the ex-boyfriend) We also love the classics but tend to watch those as a family and haven't had much time to do that yet. Hopefully this week we will make the time....

  2. I've only watched a few bit the Hallmark channel is on regularly. I wish life resolved so happily.
