Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Starting to set daily goals

Over the last few weeks, I have been feeeling off and coming to the realization that I have lost motivation to change my life in ways to make it better. I have been feeling anxious, depressed and just not with it. I have basically been going through the motions. (Now don't get me wrong there are a lot of aspects of my life that are good, just I have not been feeling good about myself---weight wise, and relationship wise!)

I know what needs to be changed. I have LARGE goals that seem to be impossible to meet. And when I make even 1 mistake I beat myself up with guilt and with "oh well, there goes the day, might as well continue to be bad..." thoughts.

Well yesterday it hit me. I have been so focused on meeting the larger goals that I am not looking at ways to get there. I am just wanting to go from now to meeting the goals. That is the wrong way to go about it. Rationally I know that. I know that I did not get this way overnight, and it will take time for me to reach my goals. But the goals are not going to be reached without me working toward them either.

A lot of people suggest to make weekly goals in order to meet your larger goal. That is okay if you can remember day to day what your goals are and you work on them each day. The way it has been for me is that I have written weekly goals on Sunday; forget about them until the next Sunday when I write more; beat myself up for not accomplishing them; start the cycle all over. THAT IS NOT THE WAY TO MAKE PROGRESS.

Well last night I had a revelation. Why can't I make daily goals and be accountable to them? I am supposed to be Living better ONE DAY at a time, right? So why won't this work? I am sick and tired of living my life like this.

So I have decided to start a new way of setting out to achieve my goals. I am going to start making public daily goals and then coming back each evening to let you know how they go. I am hoping that you will support me in this and please leave comments and suggestions along the way!

So in this way I have set my goals, made a plan on how to achieve them (daily goals). I will get to work daily. I will stick to it and be accountable daily to you readers. And in the end I WILL REACH MY GOALS!!!!

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