I think that I can say that I am back again to blogging....after having everyone in my house sick for the month of December, I think (fingers crossed) that we are all on the mend I hope. (We did have to take Benjamin to the ER one night last week due to a very high fever....turns out he has an ear infection in the other ear than the one he had 2 weeks ago and a virus. Thankfully he is doing better!) We do still all have coughs but from what I am hearing from friends and family, these coughs could last for a few weeks after we feel better. But I am planning on being back full time to blogging again (barring any more illness). I am starting tonight.....
Time once again for Sunday Night Chit-Chat...hosted by our friend
Carla! (I can't believe it has been over a month since I got to play along! )
To play along simply start your post with a photo or quote... Copy and paste the starters and link up to Carla so she and others can visit you and see what you've been up to!
Kiddos and I on Christmas Eve, wearing our new PJs from Santa! |
What are you.....
Nothing right now. I have read 4 books over the last couple weeks for reviews. That is what happens when you have an eight month old who wants to be held when he is sick and will only sleep when you are holding him.
Hubby and I watched "Dear John" last night. Cute movie, but I liked the book better. Right now, kids are watching "Wow, Wow Wubbzy."
Listening to?
The TV is on, Benjamin is playing with his new toy remote from Santa, and Jacob is running around.
Nothing. I have gotten really bad about cooking, and we have been eating way too many easy meals due to us being sick. I am hoping to get back into cooking this week and to help get our grocery bills back down.
Happy you accomplished this week?
Got the kids' rooms cleaned out and decluttered before we put away new toys and books. Took out 4 bags of toys to donate. Also got the game/ dvd closet cleaned out and have a tote full of VHS tapes to donate to school. Also got all the Christmas stuff taken down and put away so that we could get our house back in order.
Looking forward to next week?
The New Year! Diving into a couple challenges.
Thankful for today?
For my husband, who puts up with my many mood changes and who loves me for me.
Bonus question: Are you looking forward to 2013 or sorry to see 2012 leave?
I am looking forward to 2013. 2012 has been HARD, especially the last month or so. Let's go 2013!
So there you have it. A little glimpse into my world on this Sunday night! Hope everyone has a wonderful week and remember to link up to our wonderful chat host Carla! :)