Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!
Today is going to be a busy day for me.
My daughter has a costume parade at her school.
I have to work after school.
Trick or treating tonight.
Then what has become our tradition, Wendy's for dinner.
And maybe watching "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown."
Hope everyone has a great and SAFE Halloween!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

making a jack-o-lantern

On Sunday night, Bill and Rebecca decided to make a jack-o-lantern.
They both had a blast making it!

And Rebecca even helped get the seeds out even though at first she didn't want to. 

Daddy did the cutting out of the eyes, nose and mouth!

We put the completed jack-o-lantern on a table facing our front door, as it was COLD and RAINY and I didn't want the kids outside. Rebecca and Jacob stood at the door for over an hour watching it and singing that it was the best jack-o-lantern ever! LOL

Do you make jack-o-lanterns?

Monday, October 29, 2012

Hurricane Sandy is going to be here in Central Ohio

Hurricane Sandy is creating HAVOC all over the eastern USA and even though I am no where near the coast, she is creating havoc here in Central Ohio too....This is the latest weather update from this morning for my county....




Just lovely..... I went to the store on Saturday and got bottled water, bread, peanut butter, batteries. I am currently finishing laundry so I don't have to worry about that. I know where our blankets are. I have flashlights. I filled the car with gas. Hubby went out yesterday and bought a weather radio (since we don't have smart phones, and since back in June when we lost power for 5 days internet didn't work anyway for those who did have smartphones). Time to hunker down I suppose.
I hope that all who are in the path of Sandy stay safe. This is going to be a major storm.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

To Love and Cherish by Peterson and Miller

From the back cover:

Melinda Colson has been waiting months for Evan, the assistant gamekeeper at the Bridal Veil Island resort, to propose. Without an offer of marriage, she must return to Cleveland with the family she works for as a lady's maid.

Evan isn't afraid of hard work, and he hopes to be promoted soon. He wants to marry Melinda--but not until he's sure he can support her and a family.

Letters strengthen their romance until a devastating storm strikes the island. With no word from Evan, Melinda knows she must journey back to Bridal Veil in search of her beloved.

But the hurricane isn't the last calamity to shake up Bridal Veil. Melinda finds a new job on the island, but still no offer of marriage comes her way. Has she given her heart to the wrong person? Will she ever find a man to love and cherish?

My thoughts:

I like the concept of To Love and Cherish by Tracie Peterson and Judith Miller. However, I felt the plot moved at a snail's pace. I was frustrated at times with the lack of progress in the story. I felt that several of the chapters said the same thing just in a different way and had no progression. When the authors did get to the climax of the story, I felt cheated. Like it was an afterthought. It was a let down.
Overall I was VERY disappointed in this book and it's lack of quality.

Disclaimer: I was provided this book through Bethany House publishers in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Glade Expressions Collection

I love Glade Products, so I was excited to be able to try out their 2 newest products on the market---Glade Expressions Fragrance Mist and Glade Expressions Oil Diffuser (as part of a Bzz Agent Campaign)!
I love the unique look of the fragrance mist. It is artsy but not over the top at the same time. I put this in my upstairs bathroom for a refresher mist when I need it. I don't need a constant barrage of scent in that bathroom due to us taking showers, etc. in that bathroom. But it is nice to have a decorative bottle for when I do want to spray some air scent in the bathroom. I found that just 2 squeezes releases just enough scent for the bathroom without being overpowering.
The oil diffuser was something I was so excited to try as it gives me a decorative air freshener for my small downstairs bathroom without making it feel cluttered. I have a TINY downstairs half bath and it is overpowered with a built in cabinet above the toilet and a wood panelled wall. The oil diffuser fit perfectly on the back of the toilet and gave the bathroom that finished touch. I chose the pineapple and mangosteen diffuser and the smell is DIVINE! It seriously smells so good! I was afraid that it wouldn't last very long but it is going strong over a month later.
When I opened the package for the oil diffuser I was intimidated by the parts but in the end it was really simple to put together.
Overall, I am VERY pleased with Glade's New Expressions Collection! I love my oil diffuser and the pineapple and mangosteen scent is Heavenly!
Disclaimer: I received coupons for free product as part of a BzzAgent campaign in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

You Can't Make Me (But I Can be Persuaded)

From the back cover:

Turn Conflict into Cooperation

Many parents suspect their strong-willed child is deliberately trying to drive them crazy. Difficult to discipline and seemingly impossible to motivate, these children present unique, exhausting, and often-frustrating challenges to the those who love them.

But strong will is not a negative trait. These same children have firm convictions, high spirits, a sense of adventure—all the makings of a great adult. In this book you’ll discover how to channel that passion and determination in positive ways as you build a healthy relationship. Through insights gained from strong-willed people of all ages, you’ll…
· better understand how their minds really work.
· discover positive ways to motivate your strong-willed child.
· learn how to share control without compromising parental authority.
· apply key tactics to survive a meltdown.
· get practical tips for parents who disagree, blended families, and single parents.

Packed with immediately useful strategies to drastically reduce the level of tension in the home (or in the classroom), You Can’t Make Me shows how you can start today to build a stronger, more positive relationship with your strong-willed child.

· Top Ten Tips for Bringing Out the Best in a Strong-Willed Child of Any Age
· A Strong-Willed Child Emergency Kit

My Thoughts:

FINALLY! A book that explains my 3 year old to a tee. Our typical day consists of Jacob being sweet one moment and the next he is yelling "No," "no way" or just screeching just because you have asked him a question or have asked him to do something.

In You Can't Make Me (But I Can Be Persuaded), Cynthia Ulrich Tobias, offers strategies and tips on helping parents and caregivers get a handle on their strong-willed child (SWC). She does this in 3 parts in the book.
  • Part 1 helps to define the Strong-Willed Child and includes a quiz to see if you and/or your child is really strong willed. Jocob had 8 out of 12 partly because he is only 3 years old. A few of the quiz questions I felt didn't apply because he is not old enought. So in my opinion Jacob is a strong-willed child.
  • Part 2 shows how to bring out the best in your SWC. Tobias offers parents like me strategies to try with our SWC. I will be implementing these strategies throughout the next months and years and hopefully they will work. They have given me hope.
  • Part 3 is how to bring out the best when you are in tough situations with your SWC. These included how to survive a meltdown, when real trouble occurs (think drugs, drinking, etc.) and how to repair a relationship with your SWC.

I would HIGHLY recommend this book as a resource for anyone dealing with a stong willded child or adult. It was informative, non-judgementatl and real. Tobias doesn't sugar coat the reality of having a SWC and I appreciate that. This is the first book on the topic that I have read and I am so glad to see that I am not alone in parenting a SWC.

Disclaimer: I was sent this book by Waterbrook Press Blogging for Books program in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Happy Homemaker Monday!

It is Monday again, which means that it’s "Happy Homemaker Monday," a project which is hosted by Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. Each week, she hosts "Happy Homemaker Monday" as a way to highlight what is going on in her world. This week I have decided to join in....So here is a little glimpse into my world on this Monday!

The Weather:::
It is definitely Indian Summer here. Temperatures are supposed to be in the mid 70s all week. I will take it!

Right Now I am:
Sitting here at the computer typing this up, thinking about what I need to do. I have been sick for over a week with a flu bug and today I still have a cough and a runny nose but my energy level is higher than it has been in a week.   

That I need to make the boys' lunch. That I hope work isn't too bad today. That the traffic in front of my house is crazy bad. They are repaving the road in front of my house and since we live on a major road in our town it is a MESS!
On my reading pile:::
Impact Player by Bobby Richardson

On my tv:::
Cartoons (for the kids)
Monday Night Football tonight
On the menu for this week:::
Monday:  Beef roast, pototoes, carrots, onions and tomatoes in the crockpot
Tuesday:  chicken strips, tator tots, broccoli
Wednesday:  Manwich sandwiches, green beans, corn
Thursday: pork chops, steamed potatoes, carrots
Friday: macaroni and cheese, veggies
Saturday: ????
Sunday: ??????
On my to do list:::
HEAP application
Prep and schedule blog review posts--I have 2 book reviews and 2 products reviews that need to go up.
Playing catchup with house cleaning since I have been sick.
What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::
Nothing right now. Been too sick.  

Looking around the house:::
Jacob is watching cartoons. Benjamin is napping on his blanket on the floor. There is a pile of things to go through next to my computer. Basket of clothes need to be folded.  

From the camera:::
I have nothing today. Haven't taken many pictures since I have been sick.

On my prayer list::: 
For healing in both physical and mental capacities.
Bible verse, Devotional:::
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

There you have it. A little glimpse into my life on this Monday. Hope everyone has a great Monday!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Shutterfly Christmas Cards (and a GIVEAWAY!)

It is that time of year again...the kids' birthdays have started, the leaves are falling, the stores are putting out their Christmas decorations even though Halloween hasn't even occurred. That's's time to start thinking about CHRISTMAS!!!

We have several Christmas traditions that we as a family hold true to. One of those is sending out photo Christmas cards to our extended family and friends. I love receiving photo cards and everyone I have talked too love seeing our kids on our cards.

The last couple of years I have used Shutterfly Christmas Cards and I have LOVED them! Shutterfly offers HUNDREDS of different styles of holiday cards...they offer traditional, contemporary, religious, etc. And this year Shutterfly has a wonderful new collection this year from traditional colors and embellishments to merry and bright colors that are more modern.  They also feature religious cards (including Hanukkah) and cards that you can showcase your pets photos on.   There is definitely something for everyone!

I have had a TON of fun browsing their new cards. I have found my favorite 8 and my goal over the coming week is to sit down with dear Hubby and pick out our card. Here are the 8 we are considering:

It was hard to narrow our choices down to 8! I love them all! It is going to be hard to pick just one design! I do know though, that no matter which one I go with, it will be great quality!
Shutterfly has cards for all the winter holidays. If you are in the market for a holiday card from Shutterfly, make sure you check out their special offers page to see what great deals they have going on!

Shutterfly has agreed to offer one lucky Living Better One Day at a Time reader a gift code worth $50 off total order (does not include shipping & cannot be combined with any other promos)! To enter to win is easy, just fill out the rafflecopter form below! (The giveaway will end on October 29, 2012).

a Rafflecopter giveaway

DISCLAIMER: I have been compensated for this post by Shutterfly. That said, all opinions are 100% my own.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Down and out....

That has been me the last couple of days....sore throat, fever, aches and pain all over, tired beyond STINKS!!!! I am now on day 2 of not going to work. Wasn't able to help do anything for Jacob's birthday party. Been sick since Saturday afternoon. Ready to just feel better!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Jacob is 3!


On October 11, 2009 I gave birth via c-section to an amazing little boy. I went into labor 3 weeks early and had to have an emergency c-section. My recovery was long and hard. But I would do it all over again in a heartbeat.


Because the outcome was a bright, funny, creative, wonderful little boy whom I am proud to call my son! He is a wonderful little brother to Rebecca and a great BIG brother to Benjamin!

Today Jacob turns 3 years old!

Man, Time is flying by!

Here is to another great year with a wonderful son!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Sunday Night/ Monday Morning Chit Chat

Time once again for Sunday Night Chit-Chat...hosted by our friend Carla!
To play along simply start your post with a photo or quote... Copy and paste the starters and link up to Carla so she and others can visit you and see what you've been up to!

This was my weight as of Saturday morning! I am down 11 pounds in 10 weeks. I am proud of that!

What are you.....


I am STILL reading this. I also have 4 books to read or finish reading for reviews.

I recorded "Mythbusters: Titanic Special" last night on the DVR. I started watching it this morning but was interruppted with phone calls. Will hopefully get to watch it uninteruppted tonight.

Listening to?

Benjamin moving around, waking up from his nap. Jacob is watching tv. The dryer is going.  


I have a pork roast in the crockpot right now for pulled pork for dinner. It smells AMAZING!
I will also be making a birthday cake this week and hopefully pumpkin bread.

Happy you accomplished this week?

This was one of 3 bags of peppers I was given.
I was given a TON of peppers this week. I got them diced and chopped and into the freezer before they went bad. We had a busy weekend, but I got through it.
Looking forward to next week?

invitation I made for Jacob's 3rd b-day party

 Jacob's 3rd birthday is one Thursday! and his birthday party next Sunday!
Thankful for today?
A hubby who is understanding that we didn't stick to our meal plan last week, and instead went by the seat of our pants (Which most nights meant find whatever you wanted) and who understands that we were super busy this weekend so laundry didn't get done.  

Bonus question:
Do you "switch out" your purse when the seasons change?
 No. I switch them out when I get tired of the one I am carrying. Right now I have been using this one for a couple months. I might look for a new one for the new year. :)
So there you have it. A little glimpse into my world on this Sunday night! Hope everyone has a wonderful week and remember to link up to our wonderful chat host Carla! :)

Friday, October 5, 2012

Five Question Friday

It has been a while since I have participated in 5 Question Friday hosted by "My Little Life"...I thought it would be fun to join in again today. So here goes....

1. What album/cd/download are you embarrassed to admit you have?
I don't really have a bunch of music anymore. I probably wouldn't admit it to anyone near my age that I have a few Barry Manilow cds that I still listen to. He is a pretty darn good entertainer. I saw him in concert a few years ago when I took my mom and my grandma to see him as part of their Christmas present from me. I was shocked that I LOVED his show and his music.

2. What's the one thing your spouse does better than you?
He does a TON of things better than me. He gives better back rubs. Makes phone calls better than me. He is more of a social person when it comes to talking to strangers among MANY other things.

3. When do you start buying Halloween Candy?
I try NOT to as we don't hand out candy since we are out trick or treating with our kids. However, I will say that I did buy some last week to have at home on a whim. So usually around the 1st of October.

4. Family closets - Yay or nay?
Not really. We have a family closet for coats and shoes, but for everything else I like having each persons personal space to keep their stuff.

5. Which home/cleaning chore do you hate the most? Why?
It is tie....I LOATHE putting clothes away. I don't mind sorting, washing, drying or folding. But to get them put away is something I HATE!!!!! I don't know why either.  The other thing is mopping our floors. Probably because as soon as I mop them the kids spill something or other on it. ALWAYS happens.

So there you have it. A little glimpse into me with these five questions! Hope everyone has a great Friday! And be sure to check out "My Little Life" to check out more answers to the five questions! Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

What a night...

Yesterday started out as an okay day.....then the evening hit....

After I got home from work, I sent my daughter upstairs to get out of her school uniform, then I went into the kitchen to talk to my hubby. Next thing we know we are hearing LOUD THUMP THUMP THUMPS coming down the stairs. Rebecca fell down the 5 stairs leading up to the 2nd floor. She landed on the landing where the steps turn from the first floor up to the second. She immediately developed a HUGE goose egg on her head. I took her the ER for precautionary reasons. They told me to keep an eye on her and that since she wasn't showing any serious signs other than the bruising and goose egg that I could take her home.

Needless to say I didn't get much sleep last night and am feeling the stress and anxiety of everything today. And my poor husband isn't much better than me. I am totally stressed and anxious, to the point of developing itches and chest pains (this is a common symptom for me when I am overly stressed).
She wanted to go to school today, so I took her in and explained everything to her teacher. And that if she develops any symptoms or seems off to call me immediately. Also to not give her any of the ibuprofen I have for her at school per doctors orders for a head injury.

I will be glad when I go into work and I get to see that she is doing okay.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Benjamin is 6 months old!

Is my baby boy really 6 months old today??!?!? Really??? Wasn't he just born yesterday? LOL

Benjamin IS 6 months old today. I can't believe it. Time is flying by!

Got to love the drool! :)
At 6 months old he:
  • is eating 8 ounces of formula at each feeding (every 3-4 hours) along with oatmeal and baby food 2 times a day.
  • loves baby food peas! He cannot eat baby food bananas (gives him an upset stomach).
  • is currently wearing 18-24 months clothes
  • weighs 25.5 pounds
  • has 2 teeth on the bottom
  • takes 2 small, short naps at a day
  • smiles ALL the time
  • loves to play with toys and the hands of whomever is holding him
  • loves to be held and talked to and he loves to cuddle
  • likes to sleep on his belly

We are truly blessed with a wonderful little boy! He continues to be a delight to all who know him and he is a perfect little brother to Rebecca and Jacob. I am looking forward to seeing what the next 6  months bring!

Monday, October 1, 2012

UNREAL(TM) Candy Unjunked

 A candy that is healthier for you? Is there such a thing?

You bet there is!

It is called "UNREAL(TM)" Candy and it is certainly unreal. I recently got the chance to join  a bzz campaign to try the new line of candy. I received a coupon for a free package of candy and some BOGO coupons. According to the candies are sold at CVS, Kroger, and Walgreens among other stores. I thought I would not have a problem finding them....WRONG!!!! I could find them NO WHERE! I looked here in my hometown, also in Columbus and COULD NOT FIND THEM. Thinking that I was just going to have my coupons go to waste, I thought well it was too good to be true.

That was until last night....

I had to go get some printer ink at Staples and there as I walked in the door was a display set up of the UNREAL candy. They had chocolate peanut butter cups, chocolate candy shell peanuts, and chocolate caramel nouget.  I picked up a pack of the chocolate peanut butter cups and decided to use my free coupon. They were pricey...$1.19 for a pack of 2 cups. A lot more than I would normally pay for candy. But for Free I would try them. I brought them home to share with my hubby (who is KING of Peanut butter cups).

Our first impression upon opening the package was that they were smaller than other brands. Hubby was skeptical because he said he has had "healthier" candy in the past and it is usually not sweet enough for him.

Upon tasting them though we got a shock. They were sweet and delicious and yummy! Makes me wish I would have bought another pack. :)

I would recommend these IF you can find them. I might buy them as a treat for hubby and I once in a while as the price is still WAY TOO HIGH for me to justify.
Disclaimer: I received a FREE product coupon for this product as a BzzAgent. All opinions are my own.

Happy Homemaker Monday!

It is Monday again, which means that it’s "Happy Homemaker Monday," a project which is hosted by Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. Each week, she hosts "Happy Homemaker Monday" as a way to highlight what is going on in her world. This week I have decided to join in....So here is a little glimpse into my world on this Monday!

The Weather:::
It has been PERFECT! This weekend it was sunny and not too warm, not too cold. Today it is supposed to be 66 degrees and mostly sunny!

Right Now I am:
Sitting here at the computer looking at the piles of messes on the desk. I have on a pair of jean capris, green tank top, black sweater and no shoes!

That I need to plan for Jacob's birthday party in a couple weeks. I need to do some work on the computer later. I need to make out my list for the store after work---going to get baby food and formula for Benjamin.
On my reading pile:::
The Me Project by Kathi Lipp

On my tv:::
Cartoons (for the kids)
Monday Night Football tonight
On the menu for this week:::
Monday:  Pepperoni rollups, grapes, green beans
Tuesday:  ?????
Wednesday: Pulled pork sandwiches, corn,
Thursday: ??????
Friday: grilled cheese, veggies
Saturday: Fall Fest party food
Sunday: ??????
On my to do list:::
Paying bills
Menu plan
Prep and schedule blog review posts
What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::
Drafting the plan for Jacob's birthday cake in a couple weeks. Made his invititations last night.

Looking around the house:::
Jacob is watching cartoons. Benjamin is playing in his exercauser. There is a pile of things to go through next to my computer.  

From the camera:::
We went apple picking this past weekend.  I made my first ever apple pie. It was VERY yummy!

On my prayer list::: 
For positive energy throughout this week. For guidance on decisions that need to be made.  For a friend who is having some difficulties with her husband that they find peace and love among each other.
Bible verse, Devotional:::
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

There you have it. A little glimpse into my life on this Monday. Hope everyone has a great Monday!