11 years ago I became a first time mom with the birth of our precious Rebecca. These 11 years have been a wild ride, through the stages of baby, toddler, preschooler, elementary kid and now entering the age of being a pre-teen. I can't believe she is 11. When will time slow down?
This morning before I took her to school, I asked her 20 questions to see what is going on in her mind today as she turns 11. Here are her answers:
1. Who is your favorite person in the whole world?
2. What is your favorite color?
3. What is your favorite television show?
The Dude Perfect Show
4. What's your favorite outfit?
My emoji outfit
5. What sport do you like the best?
6. What song is your favorite?
7. What is your favorite cereal?
Cinnamon Toast Crunch
8. Who is your best friend?
Amelia and Becca
9. What do you want to be when you grow up?
A singer
10. What is your favorite book?
11. What are you really good at?
12. Where do you wish you could go on vacation?
to the beach
13. What is your best memory?
Playing on the beach
14. What would you buy if you had $1000?
if it was enough, world peace
15. What vegetable do you hate the most?
16. If you could have a wish, what would it be?
To have world peace
17. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
chocolate chip cookie dough
18. Who is your biggest hero?
Aunt Mary
19. What do you like to do best with your friends?
20. What do you hope you'll get to do before your next birthday?
win the Battle of the Books
She said that she has had a good day so far! Tonight we will be celebrating with Wendy's for dinner (her choice) and then cookie dough ice cream at home for dessert along with presents.
Happy 11th birthday Rebecca! We love you so very much!