Sunday, May 16, 2021

Mother's Day and other life updates!

Happy Sunday everyone! I promised I would be back with a non-medical update! LOL

So besides health stuff, what have we been up to? 

Well, last Sunday was Mother's Day. The boys made me breakfast in bed (eggs, toast and a fruit salad with bananas and blueberries). The kids got me a new pillow and blanket. 

Ben made me a cookbook at school. 

Jacob made me a card. 

Rebecca made me a wreath!


In the afternoon, we headed out to my mom and dad's house for Mother's Day. The kids had fun playing with their cousins and we had yummy Mexican food for dinner. 

My sister and her girlfriend gave me flowers, a candle, chocolates and a soap for Mother's Day. 

The kids have been keeping busy with the last weeks of school. They have 2 weeks left until Summer break. Jacob went to 5th grade Science Camp on Monday and Tuesday. Due to COVID, it was a day camp instead of a sleep away camp. I am thankful he was able to go. He had fun and said he loved finding animals in the creek and touching a python. Rebecca had her last middle school choir concert on Friday night. It was a combined end of the year concert with the 6,7,8th and high school choirs. It was really well done. Rebecca had a duet in the song "Wagon Wheel." She did well. I love her passion for music and can't wait to see what her high school musical season will bring.


Other than that we have been hanging out at home. I have been doing lots of resting. Bill's been working a lot of hours doing deliveries and then trying to do most of the household stuff. Kids have been driving me nutty but that is normal stuff. LOL 

Not sure what we will get into today. We shall see. Are you doing anything today? Whatever is going on, I hope you all have a great Sunday!  


  1. Sounds like you had a wonderful Mother's Day! That note with your wreath is priceless, keep that. Hard to believe the school year is winding down though it's seemed like such a long one.

    1. Her note to me will definitely be put in my memory box. LOL

  2. I have been out of town all day, but coming home to leftovers made getting dinner not bad at all. I have a crafty project I am working on to sell on Pinterest.

  3. I am glad you had a nice Mother's Day. I know things have been difficult and am sending every good thought and wish for a change in your health>

  4. Looks like you had a great Mother's Day. Rebecca's note made me

    We love Mexican food. I always get hungry when you post your mexican meals :)

    1. Mexican food is definitely a favorite around here. We actually had Mexican food 4 different nights that week. LOL
