Friday, July 26, 2024

Found a tunnel, my niece is 1, walking, and Rebecca sang

 Happy Friday everyone! We made it to the weekend! 

I mentioned that it has been crazy busy again the last couple of weeks, so I thought I would do a quick recap. 

The kids and I went exploring Blackhand Gorge Trail. We were trying to find an old tunnel that we saw on Facebook. It is not on the main trail but we found it this trip. It was amazing to see. The boys were even impressed. 

Afterwards, I treated the kids to Raising Cane's for lunch. They had never been there. I had had it for the very first time when I visited Cuyahoga Valley National Park and it is so good. 

I visited an arts festival with my mom, niece and my sister on what is probably one of the hottest days this summer. It was so hot but was a nice outing to see art and to get inspired by the artistic talent. We ended our day with a late lunch at a yummy Mexican restaurant. 

We celebrated my niece's 1st birthday! How Naomi is 1 already is beyond me?? She is super sweet and sassy wrapped all in one. A perfect blend of her dad and mom. It was a fun party at her maternal great-grandparents house. My boys had fun in their pool. 

One day when the boys were with their dad, Rebecca and I went out to my mom's house as we were supposed to help my mom and sister plant flowers. Well, I ended up taking Rebecca and my niece and nephew on a walk instead! LOL. They helped me get my mile in that day! We also had some fun climbing a tree by my parents driveway. 


It rained later that day but we also had a great rainbow in the sky! 

We had a picnic at the park one night after I came home late from work. We walked our mile and the boys had fun throwing rocks. 

Rebecca performed her first paying gig. She was asked to play a 20 minute set during our town's July Front Porch Concert Series. This is a little festival where different porches on High Street are turned into stages and the community is welcomed out to listen to some great music, get food from some food trucks and just have a nice evening. 

We live close enough to walk to the festival. Rebecca did amazing. I am so proud of her. It was really fun! 

I took the kids to see "Inside Out 2" on Tuesday ($5 movie night and free popcorn!) The kids enjoyed the movie. Jacob said it was spot on. I thought it was just okay. I felt it was very choppy. 

I am still walking at least a mile a day. I also also doing a 8-10 minute yoga routine each night for health reasons. I have also been subbing and working. Life has been busy but good. Next week I will let you know about how a couple college visits went for Rebecca. Life is not slowing down and I can't believe it is almost August. 

Hope everyone has a great Friday! Any fun plans for the weekend? 


  1. This is such a great update! First up, huge congrats to Rebecca! That is amazing. Also, your niece is so adorable. Love those cheeks. And, love that you are still getting your walking in & taking time to enjoy with the kids. (Hawaii Planner)

  2. You are such a great mom, raising great kids!

  3. Hello! So much happiness in your family, my friend. I would love a taste of that funnel cake!!! Have a nice weekend !

  4. The niece is sooo cute. That is great Rebecca was 'hired' to play. I miss her short, sassy, curly do. The electrician is coming Sunday, so that is my adventure--getting some light in the kitchen.
