Thursday, July 25, 2024

Day Trip to Lancaster

 Happy Thursday everyone! 

As I mentioned in a previous post, I took a day trip to Lancaster Ohio with my mom, Rebecca, and my niece Lacie. We had a wonderful trip and I wanted to do a recap here in case anyone else was interested in going to Lancaster. 

I love doing day trips combining physical things with shopping and eating. It is fun. So one recent Saturday, I invited Rebecca, my mom, and my niece to go on a trip. I didn't tell them where or what we were doing. 

We kicked off the day by driving to Lancaster Ohio and visiting their Saturday morning Farmer's Market. I bought a melon and my niece got a freshly made fry pie from a food truck. 

We then headed over to climb Mount Pleasant, one of the areas that Lancaster is known for. It is a good hike, mostly uphill. However, the views from the top are totally worth it! 

After hiking, we headed to an antique store that was in an old shoe factory. 

Then we headed out to one of the only remaining Rax restaurants in the state of Ohio. Rax was a favorite of mine growing up and my mom and I have been talking for years about going down to Lancaster to get it again one day. Well I made that happen. They were only doing takeout but that was okay as we took it back to Rising Park (where Mt. Pleasant is) and ate in a gazebo by the lake. 

After lunch, we headed to the Decorative Arts Center of Ohio Museum. It was an interesting museum and I fell in love with some of their glassware. Enough so that we then visited Gay Fad Studios which had a small glassware museum and I bought a tumbler. We also walked a little bit around and looked at some outside community art sculptures. 

At this point, we were getting tired, but there was one more stop I wanted to make and that was at Donut World. This is a 24 hour stop in Lancaster and they make fantastic donuts. We got a dozen to go and they were really yummy. (We also stopped at a place to get boba tea for Rebecca and it was not really good so I won't talk about it here.)

Then it was time to head back to my parents house where we had a pizza dinner with my dad and nephew before heading home. 

Overall, it was a great day and I would recommend visiting Lancaster if you are able to climb Mt. Pleasant! 


  1. I'm enjoying hearing about your travels. We haven't been to Ohio in a few years and should probably plan a fall trip. I didn't even know Rax still existed. We usually tried to eat at Fazoli's because we no longer have those in my area either. Rax and those donuts look very appealing. I've also always wanted to do the Donut Trail, which I think is west of you. I looked up Mt. Pleasant and that looks appealing too, so thanks for the info!

  2. Y'all have the best fun! What an awesome day trip! SO much packed in! I would have loved seeing that stuff in the museum. I love glass items! I have never heard of Rax...maybe it was just local to Ohio? It looks delicious, though! Yum! And donuts never hurt either! Haha! So glad y'all are soaking up summer in such fun ways!
