Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Cuyahoga Valley National Park Day 3 and then off to my sister's house

Happy Wednesday evening everyone! Hope everyone has had a good day! Sorry there has been a delay in posting. Life has been crazy busy with work, college visits for Rebecca, etc. 

Given all of that though, I thought I would hop on here and finish up my recap of my solo trip to CVNP. 

See Part 1 here

See Part 2 here

My last morning at the hotel, I got breakfast and then checked out. I decided to do one more hike/walk that morning before heading out of town. 

I decided to hike on the Canal Exploration Center Trailhead, which featured a mule statue to commemorate when the trail was on the canal lock path and the boats were helped along by mules, an aqueduct, and an old canal lock. 

After I left the trail (and cooled off as it was HOT!) I headed to my last stop that I wanted to make before I left town and that was at the Thrifty Owl bookshop. This is a cute used bookstore that was recommended by a lot of people on Facebook. I found a couple books to bring home with me. LOL 

Then it was time to hit the road to head to my sister and sister-in-laws. After driving a little over half way there, I stopped off at Grandpa's Cheese Barn and grabbed lunch. I also got some chocolate at Sweeties as well. 

Then it was off to my sister and sister-in-law's townhouse. We hung out for a while and I played with their dogs. Then we decided to head out for dinner. We ended up having dinner at Roosters. Then we headed to Hoover Reservoir to walk around the park and hang out. It was a beautiful night. Then we stopped at Graeter's for ice cream! 

The next morning we were up and out the door to head to our destination. We went to Blacklick Metro Park to climb their new canopy walk. We also walked a couple trails there as well. 

After, we headed back to their townhouse, where I said my goodbyes and then headed home to get ready for the kids to come home from camp that night. 

Overall, it was a great, mind-soothing getaway. I would personally encourage everyone to get away for a few days alone if you can, at least once in your life. I plan on doing this again next summer, if not sooner.   

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