Sunday, September 4, 2016

2 Useful Websites

Since I have been supposed to be taking it extra easy and not doing much of anything during my hysterectomy recovery I have had a lot of time to browse around the computer and to think about a lot of things. I came across 2 websites recently that were useful and I thought might be useful for you guys too....

One of the things that I have come to realize is that my email inbox is full of subscription emails that I never read, having signed up for them for various reasons (like to enter a contest, or get a coupon code, etc.) Yesterday I was reading the September edition of Good Housekeeping magazine and came across an article on things that help save time. As I was scanning the article, I came across the idea to sign up with Unroll.Me. which is a free service that is able to see every email list and newsletter that you have signed up for and you can go through and unsubscribe, keep the items in your inbox, or put them all into one email roll that you get once a day so they don't clog your inbox. I signed up this morning and I will say I haven't gotten any of the emails that I unsubscribed from. Hopefully this will mean less junk emails.

Another website that I tried out recently was Take Them A Meal. We had so many people volunteer to bring us dinner after I had my hysterectomy. A former coworker of mine suggested this website so that people could sign up and I wouldn't have to worry about figuring out a schedule, etc. So I set up an account and it was easy to use and for us to see if people were bringing food. There is a way to set it up so the people who would like to bring food can see food allergies, how many people they are cooking for, where and when to take the food. Those signing up can say when they will bring it, what they are bringing, etc. It was a really useful website for us last week! 

Have you discovered any websites recently 
that have helped your life? 



1 comment:

  1. I am going to have to check out the unrollme site! I am ashamed to tell you how many emails I have in our "main" account...63,959 and counting! ((cough cough)) Thanks for sharing!
