Wednesday, September 7, 2016

My AHG Explorer

For the last 2 years Rebecca took part in American Heritage Girls, which is a Christian scouting organization for girls. She really enjoyed her time in the troop that she was in. That troop however dissolved as there were not enough volunteers to keep it running, etc. 

Thankfully for Rebecca, there was another troop in our town that welcomed her to join them with open arms. Last night she had her first troop meeting. She started with a new troop and she moved up a level to the Explorer level as she is in 4th grade and that level is 4-6th grades. 

She looks so grown up in her uniform. Where oh where is time going? Can't it slow down some? LOL


  1. Sadly time does just the opposite. It speeds faster and faster

  2. She looks so adorable (and happy!) in her little uniform! Glad you were able to find another troop that would take her in! =)
