This week has been a marathon of Christmas related events involving the kids. We have had something every night for the past week. Makes for a LONG week but we made it through and it was very enjoyable. I really have been trying to be in the moment in these events and take it all in.
Saturday morning Rebecca and I volunteered at a Santa's workshop festival. She helped with taking photos of Santa and the kids and I helped supervise the cookie decorating station. She had a lot of fun even though it was cold and raining outside.
Rebecca and the other teenage girls that volunteered at the festival with Santa. |
Saturday night Bill, Rebecca, and I attended the boys' choraliers concert. This year both Jacob and Benjamin are singing in a community choir. They had their first big concert on Saturday night and to say that I came away from it totally impressed would be an understatement. I was blown away by the talent and the sound of this small group of kids. It was such a nice concert, and the boys looked pretty handsome as well!
My choraliers all dressed up in their finest. |
Knox County Youth Choraliers (this is for the younger beginning singers through grade 5) |
Knox County Youth Choir (Choraliers, Ensemble and high school) |
Sunday after church, we took the kids to see Santa. Rebecca told me on Saturday that she knew that mom and dad were Santa but that she wasn't going to spoil it for the boys. :) The kids all told Santa their wishes.
The kiddos and Santa 2019 |
Ben asked for wrestlers.
2019 |
Jacob asked for sports cards.
2019 |
Rebecca asked for a sewing machine.
2019 |
After we saw Santa we took them to McDonald's as a treat... and let me tell you both Bill and I had upset stomachs and just felt off for 2 days after eating it. Fast food is definitely something we are going to be drastically cutting down on in 2020. We then took them to Dollar Tree and gave them a budget of $3 to buy their siblings something for Christmas. Bill took Ben around the store. I took Jacob and Rebecca did her shopping on her own. It was a fun way to get them to buy for each other.
Monday night Rebecca had HER choir concert. This is the big combined Christmas concert with the middle school choirs and the high school choir. Again, I was highly impressed with the quality of the singing and music performed. They sounded awesome. I went by myself as Bill and I had to divide and conquer. The boys had their basketball pictures and practice that night for their upcoming Upwards season. Thankfully, the music department was live streaming the concert on Facebook so Bill was still able to attend in a way. Rebecca said that she had so much fun and that it was the best concert she has been a part of ever.
Rebecca all ready for her 7th grade Christmas concert. |
Middle School choir (Grades 6-8) |
Middle school and High school choirs combined |
Tuesday the kids had a snow day as we had some ice come through in the morning time. I took the opportunity to have the kids decorate some sugar cookies that I brought home from the festival that I worked on Saturday. Even my babysitting kiddo got in on the act.
Cookie decorating 2019 |
Finished cookies 2019 |
Tuesday night, the kids had their final American Heritage Girls and Trail Life USA meetings of the year. The boys' Trail Life troop was doing a Nerf war so they had a blast. While they were at their meeting, Bill and I went on a date night and tried out a new to us restaurant... Buckeye Philly Steaks. Bill was able to get a lamb gyro and I had a cheesesteak and both were super yummy. The company was fabulous as well.
Philly cheesesteak |
Bill enjoying his greek lamb gyro |
Last night, Bill, Rebecca, Ben and I went back to the same place where Rebecca's choir concert had been. This time we were there to see Jacob's school's winter concert, titled "Love is.." This was for the 3rd through 5th grades at his elementary. Jacob's class sounded great and again it was such a nice performance. Really does my heart good to see my kids perform and be in the spotlight. They really seem to enjoy it as well.
Jacob Christmas concert 2019 |
The 4th grade classes |
The 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade classes |
Today, I am babysitting A and we will probably get into some crafts later. So far this week we have decorated cookies, made candy canes out of beads and pipe cleaners, made snowman crafts, and watched some Christmas cartoons. I am also staying near my phone as Jacob said he didn't feel too good this morning but he ate and didn't have a fever so he was going to school. Fingers crossed it is just the busyness that we have had.
This weekend I really need to wrap presents. I have everything bought except for a present for my mom and my dad. What do you get grandparents that have everything and need nothing? Are you guys ready for Christmas? Have you attended any kids' Christmas concerts or plays this month? Have a great Thursday everyone!