Sunday, October 27, 2019

2019 Jack-o-Lanterns

Yesterday it was a nasty rainy day here. It was rainy, windy and definitely fall like weather. Other than taking Rebecca to a science day that she was attending I didn't want to go anywhere. I wanted to get some stuff done around the house. Last week I really didn't have a chance as I had a ton going on...including watching "A" everyday starting at 5:30 in the morning until 3 PM. (Usually I only have her in the afternoon). That meant getting up at 4:30 every morning. Lots of running around was needed this week as well. I also had lots of tutoring clients in the afternoon, including a new client. AND Rebecca and I both had 2 evenings where we had a 3 hour class for CPR/ 1st Aid classes. Super busy meaning not a lot of time to do things at home. Yesterday was used as a catch up kind of day....

I did find some time for fun with the kids though. We decided to carve our 2019 jack-o-lanterns. Here is a preview....

We of course started off with scooping the guts and being grossed out.

Then Bill helped Jacob cut out his pumpkin design that he drew on the pumpkin and I helped Benjamin cut his out. Rebecca did her own. 
Bill and I also did one. Here are our lit pumpkins out on our front porch. 

Benjamin did his as a pirate, that is why he had an x for an eye. 

 Jacob did his as a resemblance of his dad.

Rebecca made a kitty cat this year. 

Bill made an Avengers logo. 

I did an owl this year. I love how it turned out. 

This is a tradition that we love to keep. We usually watch "It's a Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" as well, but this year Notre Dame was playing Michigan and Bill would rather watch that. LOL Traditions are meant to change in some respects each year I guess. 

I need to go an finish dinner for the family. So here's to a good Halloween week! 

1 comment:

  1. It is the weekend was busy and fun. I watched Charlie Brown Great Pumpkin...loved it! Tommy was watching it, too. I thought he would have to watch football. I washed off the guts from the seeds and roasted them for my children.
