Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Weigh In Wednesday Week # 10 of 2023

Happy Wednesday! I mentioned in my New Year's goal post that I wanted to hopefully lose weight this year. I am at the heaviest I have ever been, and I NEED to lose weight to get healthy. I am going to make Wednesdays my weigh in Wednesday day. So, this will be my weekly update. Today is weigh in #10 for the year. (I missed weigh ins 8 and 9 due to illness in the house!) 

I think, maybe, fingers crossed, I am back on track with blogging this week. As I mentioned in the past few blogs, I have been crazy busy running the kids around to their various activities, etc. Jacob has joined the middle school track team so that has added another practice daily to our schedules. Rebecca has rehearsals for the show she is in, as well as her school's musical. Ben has after school stuff 3 days a week. I spend a ton of time in my van. As I mentioned in my menu plan Monday post, I need to get back to eating better (at home!) and that will help with my weight. Last week, when I had the stomach bug, I lost 6 pounds over the course of the weekend. However, since I have been feeling better and back to eating, I put most of that weight back on. Now, I need to start focusing on getting back to moving and exercising regularly. 

So let's see where I am this week...

My Starting Weight on 1/1/2023: 265.8lbs.

My weight last week: 259.6lbs.

My weight this week: 259.0lbs.

Weight loss/gain from last week: -0.6lbs

Total weight loss Year to Date: -6.lbs

I am under 260 which makes me happy! Now if I can stay under 260 and keep going down. My plan is to take several walks this week and to work out on my bike at least once. I also want to incorporate more arm dumbbell exercises into my week. Maybe I will start keeping track of exercises and report those as well. Maybe that will keep me accountable. I hope so. 

If you are on a fitness/ weight loss journey, how is it going? 


  1. Keep up the good work!
    The struggle is REAL for me! My biggest issue is night time snacking, UGH...I go to Silver Sneakers at least 2X a week, and started my walk/run race training.

  2. Hello! Good for you! I am also the heaviest I have ever been, and just beginning to do something about it. I am going to start slowly, because when I try to jump right in, I always burn out! So just drinking more water and tracking my meals to start. I wish I like exercising, but that is just not happening, unless you count turning pages in a book! Have a great day!

  3. You're doing great, getting back on track after being sick. Good work. I'm back to regular workouts, after my knee pain, but have a cold this week, so am trying to see how much I have energy for. When I have a cold, I tend to eat all of the comfort food, so I'm trying to make good choices with eating, as well.

  4. Good for you! You are doing amazing and very inspiring. Personally, I'm relating a bit too much to the Wally in your cartoon these days, ha! Hope you have a great night.

  5. Sounds like you’re doing great. Hope everyone is having a good week and all feeling better! Ginger

  6. You are certainly busy. Great weight loss.

  7. Well done! It's not easy losing weight, so big props to you.
