This past week has been pretty busy here in our household. Bill had a huge project due at work. I went back to work from the summer. Rebecca went back to school. Rebecca had her first fall ball softball game. Jacob had an open house at his preschool. We have just been plain busy.
Rebecca on her first day of Second grade! |
I still cannot believe that I am the mother of a second grader. Rebecca started school on Wednesday and she is in the second grade. She loves her new teacher, who has been teaching at this school for over 20 years. She was so glad to see her friends. I am thankful that I have a daughter who loves school.
I took Jacob to his preschool open house and he loved it. He said he wishes he could play in his classroom all the time. LOL. On Wednesday, he wanted to know where Rebecca was. I said that she was at school. He then wanted to know when he got to go to school. He is so excited to start school like his sister. We are putting him in a 5 day preschool program, so that he can get adjusted to being away from me and get used to being in school. We hope around Christmas to move him to the Pre-K program, to help with the academics. He will be 5 in October, so next school year he will be in Kindergarten. I am not too concerned about academics at this age, but I just want him to be able to handle being in a classroom with other kids and a teacher in charge who is not me.
As for me, I went back to work on Wednesday. It was a good first day back. I missed the kids that I work with. They make it worth my while! I am struggling with wanting to be there. I feel like I should be doing more, but right now this is what is available for me and I just need to accept that.
I have been doing bad at exercising daily. Wednesday I did 20 minutes on the Wii Fit and did some weight arm exercises. Thursday morning, I did not want to get up. I think not having sleep the night before due to loud thunderstorms and the nerves of the first day of school caught up with me so I didn't exercise. Last night, I also somehow pulled my calf muscle in my left leg (the opposite one that I hurt last week) and it really hurts to walk or step up or down, so may have to focus on doing some arm exercises.
Well I feel like I am behind this morning. I had a meeting at 8am for American Heritage Girls, which is similar to Girl Scouts, but is more Christian based. I am on the board for it and had a board meeting. Just got home a little bit ago, and now I feel like my schedule is out of whack! Well I should get off of here and do something....probably laundry! LOL
Hope everyone has a wonderful Friday!