Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Weigh In Wednesday #15

In an effort to lose 40 lbs over the course of the next year (by July 28, 2015) I have decided to have a weekly accountability forum here on my blog. Every Wednesday I will be posting a "Weigh In Wednesday" post where I will post my weight taken that morning and things that I did good on the previous week, and things (goals) to work on for the next week. I think that by doing this, I can break it down into smaller goals and hopefully make myself more accountable!

First let's recap:
 My official starting weight (on July 30) was:::  235.6 lbs.
My weight last week was::: 224.6 lbs
My weight this week is::: 222.2 lbs. 
I am down 2.4 lbs this week!

I have been very stressed and have gotten to the point where when I do eat, I don't eat very much. I have cut back on my chocolate snacking though so I guess that is a good thing! I am trying to make sure that I at least eat 3 meals a day, even if they are small. For example last night, I only had a chicken patty sandwich as I really wasn't all that hungry but it was something. Still need to work on drinking more water. I have been so tired this week and I think it is a combination of stress and not drinking enough. Have to change that. I want to lose the weight and keep it off, but I don't want to lose a bunch of weight because I am stressed.  

Any words of wisdom? Thoughts? Advice? 
I would love to have all the support I can get!!
If you are trying to lose weight, feel free to tag along on these posts as well! Would love some company on this weight loss journey! 

1 comment:

  1. Just try to eat fresh produce more often - if you don't feel hungry have an apple or a salad or some steamed veg. Try to stay away from bread/carb heavy foods as they won't give you the nourishment you need. You need to keep up your strength!
