Saturday, January 2, 2016

Hello 2016! Yes I have some goals for this year...

For years I made out a list of resolution and some years I was successful in achieving some of the resolutions, but most of the time I failed miserably. Last year I didn't really make any yearly goals, instead I said I was going to focus on making monthly goals. Well that sort of went by the wayside a few months in. As I have been contemplating things that I wanted to accomplish in 2016, I came up with the idea of instead of writing resolutions, I would write a list of things that I wanted to accomplish-- a bucket list of sorts. These are the things that I would like to see happen in 2016 for my personally and for my family.

So my things to get done in 2016 are:

  • BE PRESENT-- so many times I find that I am sucked into social media, blog reading, or just messing around on the computer. While I am in the same room as my family, I am not totally present. I would like to do this by limiting facebook, blog reading and email to only certain times during the day. I would also potentially like to make 1 weekend day a no computer day. 
  • BE PRESENT WITH MY HUSBAND-- I would like to have a date night at least 2 times a month with my hubby. I would also like to stay up with hubby until at least 11pm to spend some one-on-one time with him. 
  • BE PRESENT WITH MY MIND-- I would like to read 52 books for fun. In 2015, I read 49. I would also like to include at least one biography, non-fiction, or self-help book each month. Much of what I read is for fun, but I would like to expand my mind. 
  • BE PRESENT WITH THE FAMILY AWAY FROM OUR HOME-- I would like to go on a vacation with our family sometime during the summer. And I would like to do at least 1 fun activity a month with the family (going to the park, hiking, going out to eat, etc.)
  • BE PRESENT WITH OUR BELONGINGS-- I would like to use what we have, declutter as much as possible and just enjoy what we have. 
  • BE PRESENT WITH OUR FINANCES-- I would like to pay down our debt. I hope to have Bill's student loan from his university paid off by Dec. 31. That is totally doable. I would also like to save for Christmas by following a plan that I saw on facebook, to buy a gift card at least once a month earmarked for Christmas purchases for next Christmas. 
  • BE PRESENT WITH WHO I AM-- I would like to better my health and that means trying to lose weight. I would potentially like to lose 40 lbs this year. I want to get better at menu planning (and I will begin to post our weekly menu's each week here on this blog to help with accountability.) I would also like to stress less and live more.  
As some of you know, I started my own tutoring business. I have things that I want to do with my business this year. They are:
  • Increase tutoring clients by 5- 10 students.
  • Post at least 2 times a week on my facebook page 
  • Look into online tutoring
  • Advertise more on the facebook selling walls
I think these are perfectly doable. I will do these things. I will come back each month and remind myself of what I want to get done and report on any progress. Because I will get these done in 2016. 2016 is going to be the year to be PRESENT and to shine!!

Do you have any goals for 2016? 
Is there anything you want to get done in 2016? 


  1. These are really great goals! I suffer from the "not being present" issue as well. And, the part about staying up late one night with the husband also resonated. I have lupus, so typically need 8-9-10 hours of sleep/night. Unfortunately, that's my alone time with my husband, and it means it never happens. I need a better solution in 2016! We need the time together for sure.

    Best of luck on your goals!

    1. I also need more sleep than my hubby. He can get by on 5-6 hours a night; I need more like 8-10 or I am grumpy, grouchy and on edge. It should be interesting to see how this plays out.

  2. Great goals and really not hard to achieve if you stay focused. Ha! I feel like I am coming out from under a fog in life. Your kids are so darn cute, I just want to pinch them. (softly)

    1. I can only imagine how you feel Kim. You have been through the ringer and back! I hope 2016 is better for you and less stressful! If you are ever in Ohio, I would love to meet up and have you meet the kiddos!

  3. What a great plan of action Rachel - everything fits together beautifully! I have no specific goals yet. I just sort of take life one day at a time.

  4. I love the "be present" theme. I probably should use it as my years theme
