Sunday, March 27, 2022

Crazy week & Crazy weather

 Happy Sunday everyone! How are you doing in your corner of the world? 

Here I had mentioned that it was going to be a crazy week last week and boy was it ever. Bill had inventory at his job and being in his new position of team lead, he had to work really long days. To give you an idea on Tuesday he went into work at 7am and he finally came home around 11:00PM and that was only having one lunch break and maybe another 15-minute break. It was insane. Then he was back up and in the store at 5AM the next morning for actual inventory day. He worked 12+ hours days for most of the week. He was sent home on Wednesday night around 7 when the store manager told him he looked sick and to go home since he had stayed around the night before. He wasn't really sick, just exhausted and dehydrated. Thankfully, he had Friday and Saturday off to recoup. 

Those days meant long days for me as well, since I was responsible for EVERYTHING those days. I also don't know about you guys, but I can't sleep very well when my husband is not at home so I couldn't fall asleep like normal and that messed up my sleep schedule which was already messed up by the change in time. Add in a change in my own work schedule, crazy weather, and a sick kid for 2 days and it wasn't the best week. 

However, I survived and there were some highlights. I packed a salad Monday to eat at the park between work and picking kids up from school as I knew that it was going to be the best weather day. It is so relaxing by the water. 

Tuesday and Wednesday, I got called to another school to work. (I would love to go a full week working the job that I am contracted for and not being pulled to work at other schools.) The weather was cloudy and icky. In fact, on Wednesday, we had tornado watches in our state. Thankfully the bad storms passed us over and we just got really heavy rains.


Thursday was my mom's birthday and also a day I had to call off work because Jacob was sick. He had a fever and diarrhea. I think it is the same thing that Ben had last week. I want to say I got some stuff done at home, but I didn't as I was exhausted. 

Friday morning, I was greeted with just about 3 minutes of a lovely sunrise. It was enough to make me smile.

Jacob tried to go to school, however within a half hour I got a call from the nurse's office that he wasn't feeling good, so I picked him up and brought him back home to spend the day with Bill while I went to work. Thankfully, I was back at work at my contracted school, and we were all glad because at end of the workday it was the beginning of our district's Spring Break! So, I am off for a week! 

Yesterday, we went to my parents' house to celebrate my mom's birthday and my brother's upcoming birthday (on Tuesday). We had a yummy dinner of burgers and hot dogs (cooked inside as it was snowing and freezing out). My dad and nephew made the cake, and it was super yummy! My dad insisted on putting lots of candles on the cake. There were 85 candles on it (61+1 to grow on for my mom and 22+1 to grow on for my brother!). It was a nice time!


Today, we woke up to snow! The kids and I ventured out to church and then back home. 

After lunch, I cleaned up the kitchen, pantry and started laundry. I am trying to get some things done today to jump start our week. I am hoping to try a new recipe for crescent chicken rollups for dinner. 

This coming week, I am trying to plan a few things so we are not just sitting at home, but I also need to get some cleaning done as we will have the family over for Ben's birthday next Saturday. The weather is supposed to be weird so not sure what we will do just yet (it is supposed to be in the upper 20s tomorrow, 30s on Tuesday, 73 on Wednesday, 60 on Thursday and then back into the 40s for the weekend!)

What are you up to today? What's the weather like where you are? 


  1. Your mom's so young! I'm sorry for your hard week. Retail is grueling inventory.i how everyone is over your bugs soon.

  2. It's been gorgeous here lately, & quite warm, but today is super rainy. We need the rain, so even though it's a hassle with kid logistics & activities, grateful to have it.

  3. It has been very pretty and warm, some days up to 80. We will have rain one day, just like last week. You are having lots of birthdays! I hope the bug is gone soon. I know that with three kids they often passed things around several times. Don't work too hard this week.
