Tuesday, March 8, 2022

I am still here

Happy Tuesday evening everyone! Sorry for disappearing for almost 3 weeks but you know that thing called life got in the way. So last time I wrote, the cats were fighting, Ben was gluten and lactose free as we were trying to figure out his belly issues, I had applied for a contracted position, the Olympics were on TV, and life was chaotic. So, what's been going on since then. 

Well, the cats are no longer fighting. They finally are getting along and are back to normal. 

We have had some more medical issues with Ben. He has lost 6 more pounds in one month. We took him to the doctor as he basically had stopped eating and was constantly complaining his belly was hurting and she started him on a reflux medicine, vitamin D supplement (as his tested low) and Miralax as an abdominal x-ray showed he has poop stuck in several areas of this intestine. We are waiting for a referral to Children's Hospital for a GI specialist. We have added gluten and dairy back into his diet as we don't think that that was the problem. He has eaten more in the last couple of days than he has eaten all month. 

In regard to my job, I am now in the 2nd week of my contracted position! I really do like my coworker and my job. Today was a crazy day as she was out sick and her sub was way behind schedule in getting the lunches done and it was stressful, but the kids were fed, and things got done eventually. 

In other job news, Bill got a promotion at work! He is now Team Lead. He interviewed for this position the same day I interviewed for my job. This will involve him getting a pay raise and has more responsibility! SO that is awesome! I am proud of him!


Since I last wrote, both Rebecca and Jacob had their 3rd quarter choir concerts. Both sounded amazing, even if Rebecca had the hiccups during her concert. 


The weather has been crazy. Some days were cold and snowy. Others, like Saturday were in the 70s and gorgeous. We have taken advantage of the nice days and walked, played basketball at the park and just spent time outside. 

We bought a smaller chest freezer for the basement thinking that Ben going gluten-free was going to be a longer thing and a lot of gluten free foods have to be frozen. Well, now we are using it for meat. We bought this after I had a several dreams in a row about needing to buy a freezer and the final one had Betty White shopping with me for one. 

The boys finished their Upward basketball season. Both had a blast and really came into their own with their teams this year. In his last 2 games, Benjamin finally got a rebound, for which I had to give him a dollar! Jacob did really well with passing the ball and dribbling down the court! 

In other news, I don't want to end this update without mentioning that my heart breaks for those in Ukraine. Pray, pray, pray is what I can do. I am trying really hard not to complain about gas prices, etc. when there are moms who are sheltering in place with their children. I am keeping up with the news, more so than usual, as Bill gave up scouring the news daily for Lent so I am trying to stay in the know. 

Well, this got really long, really fast. I am going to end this here and I will try not to be gone again for 3 weeks, but no promises ;) 

How are things in your area of the world?


  1. You have a job, three active kiddos, and a home to run. No apologies are needed! Hope you have a great week and I hope the GI doc finds a quick and easy remedy to Ben's issues. BTW looking at the picture of the two guys together shows how much they have grown this year. Wow!

    1. The boys have grown a ton! Still waiting to hear from the GI office for the referral.

  2. I assumed you were incredibly busy. The boys are the same height! Why is news something to give up for Lent. One can never have too much news...lol. What are you giving up for Lent? Betty White helps you shop?--how much fun is that if only in a dream.

    1. He was becoming obsessed with it to the point it was affecting him mentally and he already deals with major depression and anxiety issues. He is checking in on it once a day and is relying for me to tell him if anything else happens that is crazy. I gave up candy and fast food for Lent.

  3. Congratulations to you both on the job front! My friend's son had similar issues to yours and it turned out to be Crohns. I hope there's nothing serious wrong with Ben and that you'll have answers soon.

    1. I am hoping to get some answers. The miralax seems to be helping with his pain. Hopefully we will hear from the GI doctor this coming week about getting an appt set up.

  4. Just thinking about you, and thinking you were most likely busy doing life! So happy for both you and your hubby on the job front! Praying with you, my friend.

    1. Thank you, Billie Jo! Life has been incredibly busy but I am so blessed!

  5. Good to see a post from you. Nice pics too! Glad everyone is doing well. I hope Ben just needs more fiber in his diet. I know some kids with this same issue.

    1. Thanks. I am hoping it is nothing serious with Ben, but we are still waiting to hear from the GI office to get an appointment. Thankfully the Miralax seems to be helping.

  6. Praying for your son's issues and hope they find out what's causing his pain. So glad about you and your husband's jobs, way to go! I love reading your posts, but realize that you have a very full and active family. Cheryl

  7. Whew! You've been busy over there. Congrats to you and your husband on the new job and promotion. Glad you are finding a few answers for Ben, hope he feels better soon. Wonderful photos. Hope you are having a great week and that your weekend is fantastic!
