Thursday, April 23, 2020

A Day in the "Stay-At-Home Order" Life...

I thought it would be fun to do a little day in the life post on what a somewhat typical day looks like around here during these stay-at-home time. 😀 So here is what my day looked like yesterday: 

7:45AM: I wake up to the sun beaming in my face. I forgot to close the bedroom curtain last night before I finally fell asleep around 1:30AM. 😕 I hear the boys downstairs. Bill comes upstairs to go to bed after his overnight shift at work. 

8:00AM: I get up, shower and am greeted at the bathroom door by two meowing cats. They have gotten into the habit of meowing when I turn the shower off. They want treats! I give them treats and then get dressed and head downstairs to start my day. 

The boys have had breakfast. They clean up their messes and I send them upstairs to get dressed for the day and to do their morning chores.

I open our front door and the curtains to let the daylight in and am greeted by a fat robin sitting in the tree outside of our front porch. It puts a smile on my face. 😃

I sit down to figure out the boys' school needs for today. I make Ben a checklist and both boys get onto their Chromebooks to get started. 

10:00AM: Rebecca emerges from her room (what can I say except she is a teenager? 😀) and gets breakfast. She starts her schoolwork. I make myself some breakfast and peruse blogs while I am eating. 

The boys are working on their work. I gather laundry from yesterday (and discovered a stash of dirty laundry in the back of the boys' closet 😞) and started laundry. 

11:30AM: We took a break from schoolwork to walk down to the boys' school to get their free lunch (and breakfast for tomorrow). We also worked on a scavenger hunt that Ben had to do for his Science Earth Day activity

12:00PM: Kids ate lunch and then worked on their few chores. I flipped laundry, opened some packages from Amazon and cleaned up kitchen. I also made up some Crystal Lite, using a trick that my grandma used to use--- use an empty, clean milk jug to make a double batch of when you can't find your other pitcher. LOL 

1:00PM: Jacob finished his school work. Ben read to me while I ate my lunch. Rebecca finished up her school work. 

AFTERNOON: We spent time doing the Earth Day art project that I shared yesterday. Bill mowed the grass. I sent off a couple emails to the boys' art teacher to show their work. I also blogged. Bill and the boys played outside. 

EVENING: I made a quick dinner of hot dogs and French fries. Bill left and came back surprising us with a blooming onion and onion rings from a local food truck. I had mentioned to him last week that this person was opening up at a local car lot and that I wanted a blooming onion from there whenever we could get out as I really want to be better at supporting local businesses. It certainly wasn't the healthiest of dinners, but it was good. 

After dinner, the kids did their chores. Bill and the boys played Sorry and I folded 2 loads of laundry and put them away. Rebecca was chatting with her friend on a video call. I then laid down and played Sudoku on my Kindle until it was time to get the kids to bed. After tucking them all in, I headed to bed for the night. 

So there you have it... a glimpse into what is turning out to be a typical day here in our household during this "Stay-at-Home" time.

How do you spend your days?   


  1. Fun peek into your day! My days are still pretty unpredictable but I do try to be ready for them by 9:00 each morning except today when I'm doing nothing (well, laundry and watching a movie while I fold it all later). That blooming onion looks delicious. We eat out each Saturday (drive-through/pick up) usually somewhere small though last Saturday we ended up getting Sonic (cravings and all that). Hope you have a great Thursday!

    1. I don't know if that was really predictable or what. It loosely follows what I have been trying to do. Today that has all flown out the window as I woke up crabby and kids aren't listening, etc. LOL

  2. Curious: What does your district do for those who do not have internet capability, or whose parents are not technologically savvy. Wondering also about those whose parents still have to head to work each day? I am wondering the latter about my district as well. My Beloved Neighbor is in that situation. Though it defies social distancing, I've offered to check in on neigbor's youngest daughter's work during the day, and have offered to drive boys and my kid to Starbucks if needs be, (12 miles away)where we can actually log in to the sites. Also, I have to actually physically drive to the school (15 miles away) to turn in the paper packets at a designated time. Now how can a kid who doesn't drive, and whose parents aren't available during that time manage that? I think that our district will be sending pre-addressed, metered envelopes to those who wanted paper packets--it's something they thought of at the last moment...our administrators are, by and large, overpaid, certified idiots. I truly cannot follow their logic. I fully believe that no fewer than 80% of our teachers, if left to their own devices individually, would have had a handle on this weeks ago, creating, distributing, receiving and grading releveant content to students.
    You seem to have quite a handle on all this!

    1. If you express to the schools that you do not have internet capabilities then they are offering paper packets with designated pick up and drop off times. The boys' school has pick up/drop off on Mondays from 11-2 and then from 5-6 in the evening. They discourage getting paper packets unless absolutely necessary. Also Spectrum (internet company) is giving free internet to families through the end of May if they are not able to afford internet for their kids to do work. I have friends who still have to work (they are nurses and a postal employee) and they do their kids' work in the evenings if their spouse/babysitter doesn't get it done with the kids. It is not an ideal situation at all. I am fortunate that I am able to do the kids' school work with them and I feel for those whose parents are unable or unwilling to do so.

  3. That's a nice little peek. What has typically been in the lunch and breakfast parcels? While I don't have school kids, I can imagine it is just one thing to not have to think about, and getting out of the house to pick-up would be a little break in the day.

    1. They get a breakfast pack-- which is either a container of cereal, juice box, and graham crackers or they get a poptart, graham crackers, and a juice box. For lunches, it always has a container of milk (sometimes white sometimes chocolate), a 100% juice box, baby carrots, an apple or applesauce or an orange, and for their "sandwich" it is either a PB&J uncrustable, a beef stick and mozzarella stick and goldfish, or yogurt tube and string cheese and pretzels or a ham and cheese sandwich. Sometimes there is a treat like a cookie in there. This week they have also gotten a small bag of chips with their lunches. It allows them some predictability in their day as they know we will get out of the house to go get the lunches and they get to see someone from their school that day.

    2. One of my neighbors is a manager with the district's food service. She said that many of the grab and go locations in town (where you can actually walk to) are frequented by parents who take their kids there because it's the only time they can get out during the day. The meals here are available to all kids, 0-18.

    3. Meg B. that is also one reason we go-- it is the only time to leave our home and yard each day. When the weather is okay we walk as it is only about a mile roundtrip. Today we drove as it was raining.

  4. You are certainly busy all day. I get up when I get up, usually when I have had a full night's sleep even if it takes me until noon. Eating, watching tv, gathering in salad stuff from garden or tending garden, cooking...then go to bed. Nothing exciting.

    1. That sounds like a good day to me! Sometimes I think that I am too busy, but it is all stuff that needs to be done. LOL

    2. You have three children at home, so that makes your day busier even if you never accomplish anything!

  5. I have no children at home and am up about 7:30-8:00 each day. I try and plan something to do each day. I am still spring cleaning, got to spread it out. We need to wash all the Windows but it seems we are getting rain and cold weather almost everyday. I don't sleep well at night with what is happening in the world and my son deciding to quit his job and just not thinking.

    1. Sorry to hear about your son. I haven't been sleeping well at all. Hope you have a good weekend.
