Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Blah days, productive days, etc

… Otherwise known as days 19- 24 of social distancing/self isolation during COVID-19. 

Updating the numbers here in Ohio...Last Thursday (April 2), Ohio has 2902 cases and 81 deaths. As of yesterday, Ohio has 4782 confirmed cases and 167 deaths. Again, another huge jump in less than a weeks time. :( We have had 7 cases in our county (and 1 death although this was a resident who had been in Florida since November). 

Monday, our state told stores to start limiting the number of people in them at one time. Yesterday, Bill went to Aldi's for me and he said it that Aldi had an employee sanitizing carts outside and giving each customer a sanitized cart and marking how many were in the store and how many left. He also said that they had transitioned to one way aisles and most of the shoppers were following that and maintaining six feet distance (he did say there were some older shoppers that didn't seem to care and were cutting in front of people and stopping their carts right next to his, etc.). They also had plexiglass up at the registers and the employees all had masks and gloves on. He also had to go to Walmart to drop off a prescription. He said that was surreal. They had a barrier maze up at the one entrance you can use and they had 2 security guards at the entrance with masks on and were checking people off as they entered the store. You then had to go through another maze to get into the store. He just said that the whole thing was super creepy. So thankful he is willing to go to the store for me and the kids. 

In other news, what has been going on? We celebrated Ben's birthday with a blue WWE cake. 

Bill did end up going to get McDonald's for dinner from the drive through as that was Ben's request. He also got a couple of presents from us, including 2 wrestlers: Million Dollar Man and I.R.S. He was thrilled to get them. Ben also got to Zoom with my sister so he was happy with that.

Speaking of Zoom, Ben also got to zoom with his class on Friday and "see" his teacher and friends so he was thrilled with that. The kids were happy when they finished their school work on Friday as that was the beginning of their Spring Break. The school is taking their regularly scheduled Spring Break in order to give teachers and parents a break from online schooling. 

Saturday, I took the kids to the park and met up with what was supposed to be my sister and her girlfriend. Well it ended up being my sister, her girlfriend, my parents, my niece and nephew, my brother AND his girlfriend. My parents brought donuts and presents for Ben-- more wrestlers and a summer outfit. I felt awkward because we are supposed to be social distancing but at the same time we are family. I don't know. (We are still trying to decide what we are doing for Easter. My parents want us to come over like normal, but my gut is telling me to stay home. I just don't know what to do.) 

Sunday, was a lazy day. I watched Palm Sunday mass on Facebook. Then in the afternoon, I watched the movie "Onward" on Disney+. Jacob actually watched it with me (and usually he doesn't watch movies! LOL. It was a cute movie. Then we watched one of the new nature shows that Disney+ dropped titled "Penguins." It was really well done (I love the Disney Nature shows).

Monday we did a little bit of Spring Cleaning. The kids cleaned the toy bins out and Rebecca moved the furniture in the living room and swept underneath them all. I deep cleaned the kitchen table and chairs and walls in the dining room. I made a banana chocolate chip crazy snack cake to use up some brown bananas I had. Rebecca really likes it! 

Sunday I also did a ton of laundry. We tried to Zoom with my in-laws but for some reason we couldn't get on the same video page. Not sure if it was on my end or their end. We will try again at some other point. 

Yesterday, I ran out of steam and it was another day to just be. I did get a Misfit Markets delivery (including a TON of bok choy)
and got that processed and put away. Also, I did have to deal with my van. Bill went to pick up a written prescription for Jacob's ADHD medication at the doctors office after he got off work. He called me to let me know that the battery died in my van and that he was waiting for AAA. They got him jumped and he came home. When he went out later to go to Walmart and Aldi the van wouldn't start again. AAA came back out to jump it and I am hoping he can go get a new battery for it today (fingers crossed). I was also able to cut the boys' hair yesterday as they were looking pretty shaggy. LOL 

Today I am dragging as we had some pretty loud thunderstorms this morning between 2 and 4AM. Woke me up and kept me awake. I need to get the bathrooms cleaned today and my desk area. I will take the kids to get their lunches from school today in a bit and maybe that will wake me up and get me motivated.

Sorry this took a long turn. Hope everyone is having a good day! 


  1. Easter is tough. I am delivering food to my Mom's, her favorite BBQ. Today I am yard visiting with my friend who lost her Mom, it's the best we can do now. It is what it is, one day at a time

    1. Yep. Ultimately I have made the decision to stay at home. It is best for everyone!

  2. I would NOT go for Easter. What if someone has Covid19 and is asymptomatic and gives it to your parents? Ben looks happy with his presents, typical boy!

    1. He definitely is a typical boy!! Loud, messy, wrestling, high energy.... LOL I have decided not to go to my parents. My dad understands. I think my mom is upset about it but it is what it is.

  3. I wouldn't do it. My whole family are staying at their own homes. Don't let her guilt you Rachel. My daughter got married in Sunday. Only 6 of us except for the mayor and photographer who stayed more than 6 feet away.

    1. Congrats to your daughter! It is so hard to go through these milestones in this time. I have decided to stay home with just Bill and the kids. It will be a memory!

  4. It is just going to be TheHub and me for Easter. I will probably take some food to Mom's house for her and her sitter. I still have to go to Mom's and I hope and pray her sitters are actually doing what they tell me they are doing and staying isolated, because Mom would not survive even a mild case of the virus.

    1. It is hard. There is a couple that lives behind us where they have nurses in there a ton as the husband is in a wheelchair and developmentally disabled. I am amazed that in the past 2 weeks I have seen a total of 1 of them wearing a mask and gloves and that was last night. It is crazy. I hope that your mom's sitters are doing what they tell you they are doing.

  5. Listen to your gut. Respectfully, I don’t think your parents are getting how serious this is. I know it’s hard. All across the country, people are not having Easter dinners or Seders because of it. It would be terrible if you or some other member of your family brought the virus into your parent’s house.

    1. I am listening to my gut. I told my dad last night that we weren't coming over. He understood. It is so hard but it is what is responsible.

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