Friday, April 17, 2020

April 17 2020...

Otherwise known as another day under stay at home.....

For the case of posterity, here are the numbers for Ohio. On April 8 (the last time I posted) Ohio has 4782 confirmed cases and 167 deaths. Today, our numbers are 8858 confirmed cases and 401 deaths. :( Numbers just keep going up. 

This week has surprisingly been busy. Kids are back to their online learning. Monday I had a tele-conference with Ben's Speech therapist. Tuesday, I had a virtual IEP meeting with everyone involved in Ben's schooling. Wednesday, we had a follow-up telehealth appointment with Ben's nephrologist in regards to his blood pressures. All were good meetings. 

The best meeting was with Ben's nephrologist. About 2 weeks ago he lowered his blood pressure readings by a ML to see how his body would react. His numbers have been holding steady and even with the reduction his numbers look great. So after the phone appointment we are going to reduce his blood pressure med to just 2MLs a day. If his numbers stay well, then we will talk about weaning him completely off next month :) :)  

Schooling has been rough this week. Getting back into the swing of things. Today several websites didn't want to load on the kids' Chromebooks. Thankfully clearing data seems to have fixed that problem. Right now all the kids are done with their work for the week...YAHOO!...and Ben and Rebecca are both on Zoom calls with their classes. 

This week has been rough. I think we are all so tired of being at home and any motivation has left. Bill has been uptight as one of the places that his work deals with has a confirmed case of COVID-19. He says that there is a big possibility that they will start requiring masks so I am on the hunt. He had a horrible time grocery shopping yesterday as he had a panic attack as no one is social distancing, etc. We have been arguing more this week and just been stressed out. 

One of other main activities in the house this week has been playing the game of "Sorry" otherwise known as "Ben wins!" Seriously that child has won most of the games that he has played; although I have beaten him a couple of times. LOL 

Well, I need to go take some zucchini bread out of the oven. Rainy, yucky weather here just begged for baking. Hope everyone has a wonderful Friday. 

How are you guys holding up where you are? 


  1. We are doing really well, but then there are no kids here. I wish I had a game to play with Tommy. He will only play cards and says he has some, but I have not seen any.

    1. Linda, can you email me your address please. I have something to mail to you. Thanks. Email me at egan_rachel at Yahoo dot com :)

  2. 4/27 the first day of mandatory, graded schoolwork. Kids are testing links/sites, but with our bandwidth, it's probably going to be a mess. We requested paper packets, so we shall see. There is nothing I can do regarding those other than wait to see if they come in the mail, and if they don't, email the teacher...which is hilarious...don't have reliable internet, but am supposed to solve the issue using the internet. Basically, from 10 a.m. - 9 p.m., if more than one person is online, we will freeze, and someone will get knocked off. Forget about downloading or uploading anything unless you are the only one on. I decided that the kid in college is the one who gets first dibs on bandwidth, and told the district as much. One h.s. kid gets up early, so I could put him to work before 8 a.m., but hopefully they will honor my request and mail the paperwork, so I won't have to muddle through this. I am not the only one in this situation...a radius of about 3 square miles from my house has the same issue--not enough bandwidth, and no ability to get more. I guess it's the price we pay for paradise. Again, not something that is new to the school. Besides, I don't think we should have to wait for something to load...much quicker to open a book to a certain page. Why are books so hard to come by? Ah, but I digress! On the upside, we've all been getting along really well...even better than usual. Other than the headache of remote learning, I will be very sad to see these days go. This is not to say I don't pine for the people who are suffering. But, the best thing we can do to help is stay home, so we may as well enjoy it! Best thoughts, and thanks for your updates.

    1. I hope your school district gets you the paperwork sooner rather than later. Like you I pray daily for those who are suffering in this time and I will also be sad to see these days go. I have really enjoyed being mom and not rushing this way and that and being with the kids. More laughter and more love. Have a good weekend!

  3. I am sure life is getting testy, especially now that the newness of all of this together time has worn off. Hang in there!

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