Saturday, April 25, 2020

Took a nice long hike yesterday...

Yesterday the weather was beautiful...partly cloudy, low 60s, not windy (important in Ben's book) and just begged for a nice long walk. Which is what we decided to do once the kids' schoolwork was done. 

We went to the Brown Family Environmental Center and walked some of the trails, including some with some huge inclines! We ended up walking about 2.75 miles in all.

It felt so good to get out of the house and to be somewhere other than in our neighborhood. Kids had fun and it was a nice walk/hike! 
Today we might go to the park later (my sister wants to do a social distanced meet up-- I think she is going stir crazy as well.) Other than that I have no plans today. I SHOULD be doing laundry and other stuff but my motivation is at ZERO! 

What are you doing today? Any tips on getting motivated? Are you feeling stir-crazy yourself?

Have a great Saturday everyone! 


  1. Last Saturday before mandatory, graded work rolls out. Nothing in the mail yet. It's warm, gray and windy here. My plans are to complete, (or, rather, watch DH and a kid) complete my third raised bed, fill it with dirt, and then plant my beds. I'm not really going stir crazy, I have always enjoyed staying home, and love it when school is out with no obligations, which is one of the reasons I enjoyed homeschooling in the earlier years. That said, I am pretty sure you are an educator/have an education background? In any case, may I just say, from a former homeschooler, please, take heart! I don't think what you are doing, and what so many parents across the country are doing can really be compared to homeschooling. First of all, if you were a homeschooler, you would have made a conscious, well thought out decision to do so, based on what you thought was best for your child. It wouldn't have been thrust upon you. After making that decision, you would have spent weeks, if not months, researching and gathering curriculum, and writing lesson plans specifically geared to your child's needs. Finally, in ordinary circumstances, you wouldn't be homeschooling while unable to really leave your home. In fact, you would be incorporating a variety of activities into your day, including regular errands, hikes, library visits, enrichment classes (ie: ballet), enriching your kids a wide range of social interactions with people of all ages, throughout the course of the week. Frankly, what you are doing right now is far more difficult than homeschooling. I bristle at some of the expectations put on you by your district, particularly for your youngest. So, for what it's worth, I think you have every right to feel stir crazy and unmotivated by Saturday. You are doing hard things during the week, and rising to the challenge admirably.

  2. Here, it rained all day yesterday so I'm feeling a bit restless today myself. Sun's shining right now but more rain is supposedly on the way. I should try and get out. Looks like you had a great time getting some fresh air and a change of scenery!

  3. Hey, you get up every day and do several jobs at once. If you are doing good things with the children, you are really doing enough! When my children wanted special things, we bargained as to how they were going to do housework so I could take them. They wanted to go to the pool as soon as it opened every day of the summer and stayed until closing. I said it would take me most of the day to get my housework done so I was free to take them. They said they would help me by making beds and bringing down dirty clothes and taking clean ones to their room, and whatever I mentioned that day. So, they did what they were supposed to do anyway! Just a thought. And, YOU look so happy.

  4. I think during these very unusual times it is ok to just do what you have to, and not worry about motivation or lack of it. Just breathe!
