Monday, May 15, 2023

Been sick and Mother's Day

Happy Monday everyone! Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and is doing okay today. 

Once again, sorry for the blog absence the last couple of days. I have been dealing with some illness. After being stuffed up for a few days, I woke up in the middle of the night on Wednesday/Thursday with awful sore throat and both ears hurt. Headed to Urgent Care when they opened, to be diagnosed with severe congestion and strep throat. Fun. Then on Friday morning, I woke up at 3AM not being able to open my right eye as it was crusted shut. Yep. I had pink eye. Another trip to Urgent Care and another round of antibiotics. Ugh. (For the record, pink eye is running rampant in the school that I work at!) So, Friday, I stayed home from work and laid around and did absolutely nothing (except put eye drops in my eye.)


Saturday, I still wasn't feeling well, and I looked like I was possessed with how red my eyes were. I spent most the day in bed. 

Saturday night around 1:30ish or so I couldn't get comfortable, couldn't sleep, was hot, etc. so I came downstairs to lay on the couch, and I watched "Moana" on TV. LOL I also scrolled through my phone and decided that I was going to make my Mother's Day a good day even though it is usually a day of let downs and disappointments (not from my kids, but from my DH). So, as I was laying there during the night, I decided that I was going to have a no cooking day. Bill was going to be at work, and so I could do whatever I wanted. 

So that is what I did. I went in the morning and got donuts for the kids and me. I also stopped at Starbucks and treated myself to a strawberry acai lemonade refresher. SO GOOD! 

Jacob and Ben got to the donuts before I could get a picture! LOL 

For lunch, I picked my mom up and Rebecca and I took her to a food truck festival at Velvet Ice Cream, and we had yummy Mexican food for lunch. I also got some food from a Korean-BBQ truck and it was super yummy as well! Rebecca told me that the rice noodles in my Korean food bowl looked like worms. LOL (The boys didn't want to go, so they stayed at my parents' to play with their cousins.)

After lunch, we headed to Walmart for some dinner supplies and then back to hang out at my parents' house. When we got back, my brother, his fiancée, my sister and her dogs, and my other brother was there was well. It was a fun afternoon. The kids got scared by a snake that found its way around my parents' front deck, but my dad quickly took care of it. 

For dinner, my brother grilled out. We had bratwurst, veggies, chips, fruit, cheesecake, and lemoncella pound cake. My brother also grilled footlong hotdogs for the kids. It was all super yummy!


My kids did make my day feel special as well. The boys made me cards and helped me clean up around the house without too much complaining. Rebecca gave me a drawing that she made. She is so talented and I love receiving art work from her.


All in all, it was a very good day; probably one of the best Mother's Days that I have had. I am so blessed to be able to mom to Rebecca, Jacob and Ben! 

Today, we are back to a Monday. Ben is off at a day long outdoor education camp with his class. He will get back to school around 6:30 tonight when I have to pick him up. I ended up going into work super early as my coworker needed to go pick her daughter up from a hospital procedure, so I basically did everything at work by myself. She got back in time to help me serve lunch. 

Tonight, I am going to make cheeseburgers for dinner. I will also throw some fries in the air fryer. Easy peasy. 

I have no idea what else we are having this week. It is a busy week with only about 2 weeks left of school. We have an awards banquet to go to tomorrow night for Rebecca. And we are just busy, busy, busy. 

What about you? If you are a mom, how was your Mother's Day? What are you eating this week? 

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Weigh In Wednesday: Stress eating has hit me

Happy Wednesday everyone! Can I just tell you that today is gorgeous outside? The sun is shining, the temperature is around 73, and it is so pretty out. In fact, after this post, I think that I might go out to my front porch and clean off the porch and wash the table and chairs so I can sit out there for a bit. 

But first, I need to get to the nitty gritty of this posting. Weigh In time. Honestly, I have been struggling mightily with this. I haven't felt good. I have been dealing with a lot of personal stress (that I am not going into here). It is the last few weeks of school, so lots has been going on. And I just want to eat junk and not fruits and veggies like I know that I should. 

So let's see where the numbers lay this week... 

My Starting Weight on 1/1/2023: 265.8lbs.

My weight last week: 255.0lbs.

My weight this week: 256.0lbs.

Weight loss/gain from last weigh in: +1.0lbs

Total weight loss Year to Date: -9.8lbs

I am not surprised. Honestly, if I just eat better, I would lose weight. Why is it so hard? I know that I am an emotional eater and life is pretty stressful right now. I just have to woman up and recommit and like Nike says, just do it! 

What about you? How is your diet/ weight loss program going? 

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Menu Plan Tuesday and recap of a good weekend

Happy Tuesday everyone! Sorry about not posting yesterday, I was feeling crappy throughout the day and ended up going to bed shortly after I got home from work with what I believe is a head cold, sinus drainage, sore throat, crap. Today I feel a little better but not much. 

How was your weekend? Mine was very good.

Friday was a great day at work. I walked in to a thank you card from our principal and cookies from his wife for lunch lady appreciation day. Then during lunch, the kindergartners and first graders handed me a Hershey kiss each, the 2nd and 3rd graders handed me a mint, and the 4th and 5th graders handed me homemade cards. It was a really nice way to spend the day. 

night, Rebecca and I went to see "Our Town" put on by a local theater production company. It was really well done and yes, I cried at the end.  

Saturday morning, Rebecca, Benjamin and I went to our town's first Farmer's Market of the year. We met up with my mom, sister, sister-in-law, and their 2 dogs. It was a beautiful morning,
 and I ran into several people that I knew. It was a great way to spend the morning.  

In the afternoon, Rebecca had a cast party to attend for Cinderella. After I dropped her off there, we headed to Kenyon College to watch Jacob perform at the end of a day long music workshop that he took part in. Basically, one of the Music entrepreneurship
 classes decided to host a day long music workshop for choir, orchestra, and band kids in our county that were in middle school. They got to learn 2 pieces of music in their group and then perform them at the end of the day. Jacob had a really good time! 

Sunday, after church, the kids and I headed out to my parents' house for the 1st cookout of the year. It was very informal, planned at the last minute but so fun. I didn't take any pictures, but it was so good to relax and spend time with family. 

Now we are back to the work/school week and so much is on my mind. I do need to keep up with meal planning though so that is one last thing that I need to worry about. 

So, what are we eating this week? 

SUNDAY: Cookout 

MONDAY: McDonald's (since I wasn't feeling well)

TUESDAY: Chicken and Broccoli in the airfyer with rice

WEDNESDAY: Smoked sausage and potato bake with watermelon

THURSDAY: Chicken balls and macaroni and cheese

FRIDAY: Pizza and fruit

SATURDAY: Pulled pork nachos

What are you eating this week? How was your weekend?

Friday, May 5, 2023

I chaperoned a Disney Trip: Day 5-- the Magic Kingdom

Happy Friday everyone! I am back with the final installment of my recap of chaperoning the choir, band, and orchestra trip to Disney and Universal over Spring Break. If you missed the first few days, you could read about Hollywood Studios here, Universal Studios here, and their performance and Island of Adventure here. 

Now to the day that I was looking forward to the most... Magic Kingdom Day! We spent the final day at Disney's Magic Kingdom! I was looking forward to seeing Cinderella's castle, eating Dole Whip and a Mickey shaped pretzel, meeting as many characters as possible, and watching as many parades/shows as possible, ending the night with the fireworks above Cinderella's castle. I will say that it was a day that dreams were made of. 

We arrived at Magic Kingdom and rode the monorail into the park. We did get caught up at security but once everyone was through, we headed out to have fun. Rebecca went off with her friends and I headed off to have some individual fun. The first thing I did was go the Mickey's Theatre and met the mouse himself! 

After that I wondered down Main Street USA and meandered in and out of shops and just people watched and spent some time figuring out what I wanted to accomplish. I had a hot dog lunch at Casey's Corner and had their famous hot dog, which was really good! 

Then it was off to watch a parade! I loved the parade and got to see some favorite characters! 

After the parade, I headed to the Hall of Presidents to see that presentation. It was really well done. 

Then it was off to meet some more favorite characters including Princess Tiana, Rapunzel, Goofy, Donald Duck, Minnie Mouse and Daisy Duck. 

Then it was time for a snack! I got my Mickey shaped pretzel!


After enjoying my snack, I made my way to Cinderella's castle to watch a small show featuring some of the princesses with Mickey, including Anna and Elsa from Frozen. 

Then it was off to see another parade!


After that, I decided to stand in line and ride "It's a Small World." as everyone said that I had to ride it as it's iconic. Well, it was iconic all right, and I almost got stuck getting out of the boat as my knee didn't want me to get out. 

I decided to stick with the shows after that and headed to the Enchanted Tiki Room for that show. I thought it was cute. 
I also watched the 3D show of Mickey's Philharmagic Show. It was so cute watching the littles who were watching trying to catch the things coming towards them in in the 3d glasses. I also had a chance to go under Cinderella's castle and that was neat. 

I got some dole whip and it was so yummy! I really need to learn how to make it at home!

Then it was time to head back to Main Street and join the thousands of other people to watch the fireworks. 

It was opening night of the return of the Happily Ever After fireworks show and it was AMAZING!!!! I took so many photos and videos of the fireworks. It was the absolutely perfect way to end the trip. 

After the fireworks, I stopped at Starbucks to wait for the crowds to dissipate a little and to wait for Rebecca and her friends to catch up to me so we could head back to the monorail and head back to the buses. Once everyone got back to the buses, we headed back to Ohio. We stopped a couple of times on the way back, and we got back to the high school around 6:45PM. It was a once in a lifetime trip and I am so thankful I was able to go. The memories will last a lifetime!