Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Weigh In Wednesday: Beginning a weight loss challenge

So I posted 2 weeks ago saying I was going to begin again. Then the rest of Summer break happened and I haven't posted since. Well, the other day Bill and I were talking and we are both so sick of being overweight and just complaining about our physiques. So we are going to start doing and stop complaining. We have challenged each other to basically a 4 month weight loss challenge. 

We are going to see who can lose the highest percentage of weight in 4 months. And yes there are prizes involved. If Bill wins, then I have to see at least 1 movie a month for the entire year of 2018 with him. If I win, he has to get rid of all the boxes of VHS tapes and crap from the basement. There are probably close to 100 boxes stacked in our basement that he hasn't touched since we moved in here 6 years ago. So I HAVE to win. So let's see where I stand at the beginning of our challenge:  

My official starting weight (on 1/1/2017) was: 242.0 pounds!
My weight on June 7 was: 234.4 pounds.
My weight today is: 236.6

So a gain of 2.2 pounds. 
Total loss from 1/1/17: 5.4 pounds

So not where I wanted to start again, but life is about starting over when things aren't going your way, right? My plan of attack is to go walking at least 3 days a week and 1 day on the weekend. I am also contemplating going back to carb cycling as it worked for me in the past. I am still thinking about that. I had already made our menu plan out for this week, so I will be coming up with my eating plan before Friday when I will head to the store for next week's groceries. 

Have you ever done a weight loss challenge? How'd it go? 

       If you are on a weight loss journey, how are you doing? 


  1. Ugh, not good. Too many changes snd lost my momentum buy8I will gey it back.

  2. I have no idea since I haven't stepped on the scale in about two plus weeks! Now that we are back from our vacation, I'll be hopping back on and posting about it this coming Wednesday! =)
