Friday, March 9, 2012

Pregnancy week 34.4 update and update on Mom's bladder cancer

So today I went in for my 2nd NST (Non-stress test) this week. I have noticed in the last couple days that I didn't think I had been feeling baby boy move very much. Well he actually cooperated today and did BEAUTIFULLY on the test! That is good news. The nurse suggested that I do kick counts twice a day so I will be incorporating that into our routine. I think I have been really busy the last 2 days and maybe that is why I haven't noticed him moving. My blood pressure was still high---147/ still need to watch that. On Monday I will be 35 weeks!

In other GOOD NEWS, my mom went to the doctor this morning for her follow up for her bladder cancer surgery last week. The good news is that the tumors were non-invasive. The bad news is that the cancer cells were very fast growing and aggressive. So she will have to do chemo once a week for the next 6 weeks. Her doctor thinks that will take care of it. She also has to be checked every 3 months for the foreseeable future as bladder cancer has a high recurrence rate! But we will take it. Thank God she went and got checked in the first place!!

So health wise it has been a GOOD NEWS kind of day! Anyone else have any good news to share?

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