Saturday, February 2, 2013

February Goals

Last month, I focused on 2 main goals…a decluttering goal and a finance goal. I felt that this worked out well for me and helped me maintain focus for the month.

This month, I want to continue to do this but have smaller goals under the decluttering and financial categories.

So for the month of February my goals are:

  • Spend no more than $300 on food.
  • Spend no more than $150 on household supplies (trash bags, diapers, etc.)
  • Look into cheaper auto insurance
  • File 2012 taxes
  • Open new checking account at a different closer bank (as ours has decided to start charging us fees of $18 a month for the same service we have been getting for free.)
  • Take pictures of and list baby items on Craig list (swing, bassinet, jumper, etc.)
  • Declutter our master bedroom
  • Work up to drinking 6-8 glasses of water a day
  • Menu plan each week from pantry first, then around sales
  • Lose 4 pounds
  • Give up pop and sweets for Lent

So there you have it. My goals for this month. I think they are attainable and I hope that I do well on them. Doing well on the goals in January, made me feel great about my ability to do this.

Did you make any goals for February? Care to share?


  1. Hi there Rachel!

    It looks like we have similar health goals this month like drinking more water and cutting back on sweets (I still need my diet caffeine drinks and coffee to function!).

    I've been reading the 02 diet and am hoping to add some healthier meals into our lineup but I'm also hoping to eat from the pantry and keep our grocery bills down. So, while I'm not following the diet outlined in the book I hope to incorporate some of the recommended foods and do the daily checks as often as possible (morning and evening stretching, 2 cups of green tea daily, 8 glasses of water daily, etc).

    Best of luck with your February goals. Here's to healthier living!

  2. Great goals, Rachel! :) I posted my goals yesterday on my blog and they are all over the board.. lol! It's a short month though, so we shall see... lol!
