Monday, October 3, 2016

Happy Homemaker Monday (10/3/2016)

Happy Monday!  

And HAPPY OCTOBER!!!! I am so glad to see  September come to an end. September is traditionally a bad month for our family. This past September wasn't too bad, but I am glad it is over. This weekend was very busy with very little time at home. Rebecca had her end of the season softball tournament and that meant games both Saturday and Sunday. The house is a mess and I go back to work officially this week so things are a little crazy around here. Let's see what else is going on in my little area of the world (as well as other's if you want to follow along with Sandra's "Happy Homemaker Monday" theme).

On the weather front:::
It is supposed to be in the 70s all week I think. This morning it is very foggy...
On my TV::: 
Benjamin is watching "The Lion Guard" and is now crying because something on it scared him. SIGH.  This week we will start watching the baseball playoffs (Go CLEVELAND!!). I also have a new show on the DVR that I want to watch, called "Pitch." 
Thinking and pondering:::: 
About everything that I need to do today and to get ready to go back to work. Thankfully, I only have one client today and none tomorrow but I still need to get ready.
Listening to::::  
The TV, the hum of the laptop, Ben eating a banana right next to me, the sounds coming from the basement as I have the washer and dryer both going
On the menu for this week:::
For the fourth week in a row, I actually have somewhat of a plan for the weekdays. I think this is becoming a habit! :) and I have been able to stick to it for the most part which is even better. 

Monday: Stuffed shells (from freezer) and applesauce

Tuesday: Cheeseburgers and french fries

Wednesday: Hot dogs and baked beans

Thursday: Fish, rice and green beans
Friday: Pizza and fruit
Saturday: Chicken in the crockpot, corn, mashed potatoes
Sunday: Spaghetti and garlic bread 
On my To Do List:::
  • Balance checkbook
  • Pay bills
  • Get tutoring stuff done
  • Clean out my tutoring bag
  • Start work on our vacation photo book
  • Post review of book I just finished
  • Post at least 5 things on facebook sell wall
  • Start working on decluttering plan
What I plan on doing for myself this week:::   
Planning on going through my clothes to get rid of what I don't like or doesn't fit so I can feel good about what I wear. (This is on my list again as I did not get to do this last week!)

Looking Forward to::: 
Getting back to work. I miss working with my clients. 
Favorite photo::: 
Benjamin fell asleep on my lap on Saturday after spending the morning at the softball fields and I also think he is fighting off a cold. He was so happy to be able to climb on my lap since I haven't been able to hold him for most of the month as I have been recuperating. 

Lesson learned the past few days::: 
That I have a pretty special daughter. She really enjoys everyone, even those who are not so nice to her. She is a good teammate and friend.  

Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses::: 

So there you have it. A little bit of homemaking stuff for today. If you would like to read more, please go visit Sandra and all the other blogs that have linked up with her! 



  1. The sweetest thing you said in this whole blog post is that you have a special daughter. I love that she is kind and good to people, even those who are not her friends. What a special girl! I know you are proud of her! (I am not saying this to diminish your love for your boys, but life gets very difficult sometimes for young/preteen girls, especially since that "mean girls " thing is true)

  2. I enjoyed your Happy Homemaker post :) We have pizza every Friday night so that is one given when I sit down to make a menu! I hope you can stop by:


  3. LOVE your inspiration! Nothing quite as soothing as your baby (no matter how big they are) climbing into your lap and falling asleep. Sounds like you have a busy week planned, sure hope it goes smoothly.

  4. Hooray for sticking to a meal plan and it becoming habit! I really think the key is to plan meals you know your family will actually eat instead of making it hard. Hope you are having a great week!
