Friday, February 25, 2011

Letters of Intent-- February 25, 2011


Foursons has a great weekly feature that she runs, called Letters of Intent. In it, she invites readers to write their own letters of intent and to link them up to her post. This week I have decided to join in....

Dear Mother Nature,

You are NOT funny. Last week you teased us with temperatures in the upper 60's and sunshine. Things were great. THEN you HAD to come back and bring us back to reality, with rain, ice and 5 inches of snow in the course of one night (Monday). Then you brought sunny weather for the next couple days. Then last night and today you bring ice, and more snow making it HORRIBLE outside.  Thank you so very much! We appreciate it! Not! Please make up your mind about what the weather is going to be like. Didn't your mother ever teach you it isn't nice to tease?

Annoyed at the Weather

Dear Sickness,

You have come and visited this household for 2.5 weeks. You have brought with you fevers, coughing, runny noses, headcold symptons, and feelings of yuckiness. I can handle it for the most part, but you can't seem to leave my kids alone or my dear hubby for that matter. 2.5 weeks is long enough for a visit, so please....

GO AWAY!!!!!!!!!!

Looking forward to being back to normal,

To read more letters of Intent please visit Foursons.


  1. Oh the weather sounds terrible. I hate to be teased with beautiful weather just to be dealt a big mess!

    I hope the weather clears up so you can air out your house! Perhaps that will help the sickness leave you house! Hope you are all better soon!

  2. I am stopping by from Julie's Letters of Intent too. I am so hearing you on the sickies. I think I have seen it everywhere. We are just getting over a 2 week bout oof stomach issues. so not fun.

  3. So sorry about all the sickness.

    The weather here is have been nice, but everyone is sick.

  4. Oh I bet the sickies are a result of the crazy weather. That happens to us down here all the time although we don't get the snow. We will have a 40 degree temperature change in one day.

    Thanks for linking up, I hope everyone feels better soon!
