Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Jacob is in preschool!

This morning, I had to take Rebecca to school, as Bill came home sick from work. Then I had to rush home so that I could get Jacob up and fed and dressed so that I could take him to school. Yes, I had to take Jacob to school! How did that happen? Where has time gone? 

Jacob is going to 5 day preschool at the same school as his sister. He is in school from 9-11:30 every day with today being the first day. He was so excited, although he would alternate between jumping up and down excited and then crying a little that he was going to miss me!

I think he will do great, as long as he listens and does what he is told. When we went in, he hung his book bag up on his hook and then went in the classroom, with no look back at me. I had to go over and give him a hug because he was ignoring me. LOL. When I left, he was sitting down playing with the teacher's aide and another little boy. I hope he has a great first day. We shall see when I pick him up. If it is like when he went to vacation bible school, I expect him to cry because he doesn't want to leave (which is a good thing!). 

As for me, it is really quiet here. I am typing this up as I am eating my breakfast--zucchini/carrot bread and a banana. Bill is upstairs in bed. He is sick with what quite possibly may be the flu. Benjamin is watching cartoons and playing with his cars. I just know that it is very quiet. 

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