Friday, September 5, 2014

Things on my mind on this Friday

Man, this has been a very busy week around here. 

There was no school on Monday for Labor Day, so I spent the day doing laundry, running errands and baking. 

Tuesday was Jacob's first day of school and Bill came home from work sick with what I think is a flu bug. Tuesday night, Rebecca had a softball game, which her team won. 

Wednesday, Rebecca and I had her first American Heritage Girl meeting. American Heritage Girls is kind of like girl scouts but is more Christ centered. I am on the board for our school's troop. We expected maybe 10-15 girls at our meeting and we had 26 show up! Which is great, but made for a crazy meeting. Rebecca is excited to join up though and I think it will be fun. 

Yesterday, I came home from work and crashed. I wasn't feeling good myself and am just run down. Bill was still not feeling good, but we have to do what we have to do. 

This morning, I got the kids off to school. Then went to Walmart to do my work's snack I am home to do laundry (have to at least get Rebecca's softball uniform washed for tomorrow)...then I head to work in a bit for a longer shift as we have our monthly inservice meeting. And I am fighting a headache. 

I hate weeks when one or both of the parents here in our house are sick. Bill is still sick...and I am still fighting the cold that I had last week. But again we do what we need to do. I don't mean to complain. I am just overwhelmed at the moment. 


  1. Hope you are all well soon. It is no fun when anyone in the house is sick, but it is extra awful when it is one of the parents! I hope the overwhelmed goes away and the beautiful fall coolness and color comes soon!

  2. Ugh, I hope bill feels better soon and that you don't get it. I've been sick for the past two days too, I'm miserable and want to cry all the time... Hormones...

  3. I know all about getting things done while sick (as a single parent it was me or nobody!!) Hope you both can rest up a bit this weekend and feel good for the upcoming week!
