Saturday, January 4, 2020

Gratitude Saturday #1 of 2020


Life is so crazy these days. I really want to not be worried about the things going on into the world but it is so hard. I have friends in Australia that are dealing with extreme wildfires. We are probably entering into World War III with Iran and/or North Korea. It is hard not to be scared for what is coming in our world. One way to fight this idea of being afraid is to focus on the good things in life; even in hard times there are bound to be good things. So I have decided that every Saturday I am going to come back here to list those things for which I am grateful. 

This week I am grateful for:: 
  • The women who paid for our food at McDonald's on December 30. It was a nice surprise and unexpected. 
  • A husband who works in an less than ideal job but that offers full time benefits. 
  • Modern technology which allows Rebecca to have time with her friends even when several of us have been sick in our house. 
  • Healthy kids
  • The ability to declutter.
  • Nice sales on bras and jeans right after Christmas. I desperately need new bras and Rebecca needed new jeans. Was able to get 4 bras of Amazon for the price of 1 normally and got Rebecca 3 new pairs of jeans from Old Navy (the only brand that we found fits her in length) for the price I would typically pay for 2. 
  • Having had time off from the reality of life during the last 2 weeks for the kids' Christmas break. 
  • A nice New Year's Eve and New Year's Day.
What are you thankful for today? 


  1. the rain is supposed to stop! And, it is warm.

    1. It is spitting rain and snow here today... Glad the weather is good where you are!

  2. Love your list! Gratitude was my word of the year last year and it really does help so much to stop and make these type of lists. I'm thankful today for a little gray cat waking me up early so I could be productive and get a jump on cleaning the house, technology, reviews on the Internet, and cold medicine. Happy Saturday!

    1. Cold medicine is a God-send this time of year! :)

  3. Today I am thankful for Mom's sitters. Every Saturday there is no gap in her care and I don't have to get up early to go to her house. It is nice to be able to have a couple of cups of coffee and to have breakfast with TheHub.

    1. That is a great thing to be grateful for! I hope you enjoy your time with your husband!

  4. this is a great post to share. I'm dealing with a dog that won't poo, and is feeling poorly, stinking up the house. My house got overwhelmed again with post holiday clutter, I'm trying to figure out all sorts of college stuff and car pools and husband is still not fully well, but back at work and I woke up feeling sorry for myself. Now to turn around that the dog shows me love, I have a house to get cluttered, my kid is going to oollege and ding well, and husband is getting good health care and still wants to provide for his family while he can. It is about gratitude and perspective.

    1. That is kind of how I am feeling too. It is a matter of perspective. If I can focus on the good side of things maybe I won't feel so bad about the bad side of things.

  5. I am thankful for the blessings of my family, my children, and the peace I feel even as they grow.
    A lovely post, my friend!

    1. I especially love the "peace I feel even as they grow" part of your response. As a mom it is so hard to feel that peace but I am trying. :)

  6. Gratitude for today: that we are all healthy & the kids are active. Grateful we had time off together over the holidays.

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