Wednesday, June 3, 2020

I had the day (mostly) to myself!

Yesterday my kids went to "Aunt (Squared)" camp. Let me explain. My sister and her girlfriend have been living with my parents since they were kicked off their college campus when the Coronavirus stuff started. (It was much easier for my sister's girlfriend, Cecilia, to stay with my parents (2 hours from campus) than to try to go home to South Dakota especially since there was a huge unknown to when they would be allowed to return.) My sister decided that she wanted to take the kids for a day to give me a day off since I have been homeschooling them and everything for the past 2 months. This was supposed to happen last week, but then Rebecca got sick and so it was pushed to this week. Well, yesterday was the day. Mary and Cecilia picked the kids up at 9AM and took them off for a day of making art (they made sculptures), played games including getting sprayed with a garden hose, made paninis for lunch, and homemade pizzas for dinner, etc. They brought them back around 7PM last night. So I basically had the whole day to do whatever I wanted (minus a couple hours that I had to babysit "A"). 

So I decided to go shopping for the first time since the virus started. I had a list of a few things I wanted to get that I realized after being home for 2 straight months would make my life a little easier-- i.e. another bath towel per person, storage container for pancake mix, another small camping lantern in case the power goes out again here at home, pitcher for Crystal Lite, AND the kids needed some summer pajamas. I also wanted to get a few little things to add to my front porch to make it a little more inviting as I can see that I will be spending more time out there this Summer. So after the kids left, I headed out to Dollar Tree, Walmart and Goodwill. 

At Dollar Tree, I was able to find some badminton rackets that the kids can play with over the summer and a welcome mat for my front porch. 

Next stop was Goodwill only to find that they didn't open for another half hour and then the first hour is supposed to be for the elderly or high risk. So off to Walmart. I have decided that I really do not like going to Walmart. The customers were rude, complaining, yelling because aisles were marked one way or Walmart was out of stuff, etc. It was not a good experience. I was able to get most of the things on my list though including a couple cute plant things for the front porch and a pair of summer pajamas for the boys. They didn't have any that I thought Rebecca would like/wear. 

Then it was off to Goodwill again, where I found 3 tank tops for Rebecca, a pair of shorts for Bill AND a welcome sign to hang on the porch. 

At this point it was 12:45 and I needed to get lunch so I went through Arby's drive thru. I am the only in my family that likes Arby's so it was a treat for me. 

Then it was home to eat and wait for "A." While she was here she helped me wipe down the glass tables on the porch. (I gave her a bucket of soapy water and a rag-- she loved it (as most 4 year olds would!) Then we added the touches that I had bought to the porch. I love how it turned out. (I do need to spend some time cleaning the siding on the porch as it needs a major washing, but that will be for another day!) 

After she left, Bill and I decided to head to the bike path to take a long bike ride together. It was sunny, 85 degrees, low humidity and a very nice breeze. Perfect for a long bike ride.  We ended up biking 6.4 miles! It felt great and is hopefully something we can do more often. 

We stopped at Subway on the way home from biking and grabbed 2 subs to eat later. After showering, we ate dinner on the porch before the kids got home. They had a blast yesterday and said that they wanted to "Aunt Squared" camp again next summer. 

Overall, it was a very good Tuesday.   


  1. So glad you had such a well-deserved wonderful day just for you! Somehow, I thought A was a baby? Great activity for a 4 year old though...helping you wash the table. (Very Montessori ;)) Happy Wednesday!

    1. Early last year I babysat an infant whose name also started with an A, so that is probably why you thought of Baby A. LOL This "A" is all sass and is a teenager trapped in a 4 year old's body. She is about to get her world rocked in September as her parents are expecting a baby boy. LOL

  2. Sounds like a wonderful time for all. I agree I dont like shopping at Walmarts for that very reason but it's the only major department store we have around here otherwise you have to drive a 1/2 hr to an hour to another major town to shop. Love the pictures.

    1. Walmart is the main store here as well...I am going to try to just order online if I need to or get Bill to pick up what I need when he goes to get medicine once a month at the pharmacy. LOL

  3. Your day sounds great and the kids had a nice break too.

    Your porch looks so pretty!


  4. That sounds like a great day for everyone involved. I LOVE your porch. I wish I had somewhere like that to sit.

  5. Congratulations on the Auntie Camp day. IT sounds like a win/win for everyone. I wish Pip lived close enough for us to have a "Camp Annie" week. I am also glad you had a nice bike ride with Bill. It is getting a little sticky here. We have hit higher humidity time now, so the days are getting a little unpleasant already.
    I am with you about the Walmart experience. I truly hate going there and it is not the store itself,

    1. Yep, it is not the store itself... I completely agree with that.
