Thursday, June 4, 2020

Thoughts on current events...

So many thoughts, so many emotions, so much "stuff" going on in my head the last 2 weeks as I am sure many of you have as well. I will admit that I felt a twinge of guilt posting about my good day yesterday; then I felt okay with it as that is my life right now; then more guilt as maybe it seems I don't care, etc. The cycle going over and over. 

Today is just going to be a short post. 

I wanted to share 2 graphics that I saw on Facebook and reposted there, but wanted to post here as well as they really spoke to me. ( I don't know where these originated as they have been shared multiple times on social media, so I can't give credit to the origin). (Now as a word, my Facebook feed is mainly posting pictures of my kids and our family activities and posting recipes or activities that I want to do with my kids or community activities. I do not post political memes, etc. as I don't want those arguments. I have blocked/unfriended people that spew hate with their Facebook feeds, or who are only on there to cause problems, etc.). 

This first one hit the nail on the head for how I am feeling...

And for anyone who isn't sure of my beliefs and how I am raising my family....

Now, I am off to go love on my kids, clean my house, and try to be a light of positivity in this time of darkness. Hope everyone has a good Thursday! 


  1. Rachel, your ending sentences are everything. I couldn't agree more. Have a cozy day. : )

  2. Here's the deal. No one can direct someone else how to feel or react. hwa tthey take form your actions or non actions is just that-what they took, not what you feel. Are you spendig time loving on your kids in ways that will help them grow up to be light inthe world? You do that!

  3. To the second graphic, I say, Sing it, Sister!

  4. Replies
    1. That was the first one I shared on Facebook. It really spoke to me.

  5. I'm going with Meg B. Love that second graphic!!

    1. I did too. I typically don't share things like that on Facebook, but it really spoke to me.

  6. that second graphic is excellent!
