Thursday, December 31, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
MENU PLAN FOR DEC. 28- JAN 3, 2010

MONDAY: chicken noodle soup and grilled cheese
TUESDAY: lasagna and salad
WEDNESDAY: Crockpot-- Tex-Mex Chicken and rice
THURSDAY: chicken fried rice
FRIDAY: pork chops, stuffing, corn
SATURDAY: leftovers
SUNDAY: hamburger helper, broccoli
So that is the plan. I am really trying to use up what we have here and keep the grocery budget down! Hope I can keep this up!
For more Menu Plan Monday ideas please visit the sponsor : "I'm an Organizing Junkie" at:
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
2. Financial goals:
- Pay off ambulance bill
- Pay off anethisiologist bill
- Pay off Sears card
- add $500 or more to savings
3. Declutter as much as possible--my stuff and basement---by selling, donating, or throwing away.
-sell $500 worth of stuff by Dec. 31, 2010
4. Write on blog at least once a week
5. Take family trip that the kids would enjoy (can be a weekend trip)
6. Find a way to bring in extra income
7. Don't snap at Bill or Rebecca
8. Make decisions with confidence
9. Find a church and join
10. Have 200 no-spend days in 2010.
11. Make a menu for each week
12. Exercise at least 3 times a week.
13. Buy NO junk food at all this year.
I think these are attainable and needed for me.
I am pleased to post this on The Happy Housewife's 2010 goals link-up!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Menu Plan Monday

Here is what we will be eating this week:
MONDAY: Hot Turkey and Cheese Sandwiches, grapes, carrots
TUESDAY: Tuna Helper and peas (for Rebecca and Bill), leftovers for me :)
WEDNESDAY: Spaghetti with meat sauce (made with hamburger, tomato sauce, green pepper and onion)
THURSDAY: Chicken nuggets, french fries, mixed veggies
FRIDAY: Grilled Cheese Sandwiches and tomato soup
SATURDAY: Breakfast for dinner (eggs, toast, bacon) or Leftovers
SUNDAY: Clean out the fridge night
For other menu plans please visit:
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Lent 2009

So this year, Bill and I have both decided to give up something for Lent. Neither of us are religious by any means, even though I was raised Catholic and he was raised Lutheran. Sometimes I wonder why I got away from going to church, etc. I really don't know and I know there are times I feel guilty for it...
Anyways, for Lent Bill and I are giving up....
Eating fast food!
This will be tough for us as we eat out at a fast food place at least once a week, usually 2 times or more. I know it is a really bad habit so we are using this to stop that.
Also I am giving up chocolate. I am going to need strength for this one! Bill is also giving up taping things off tv (his hobby).
What is your family giving up?
Cleaning and perfectionism
Monday, February 23, 2009
RIP Grandma Ella
Menu Plan Monday

MENU for Week of February 23- March 1
Monday: chicken nuggets, carrots, strawberries
Tuesday: baked pork chops (new recipe), stuffing, green beans
Wednesday: lemon and herb marinated chicken, steamed mixed veggies, french fries
Thursday: lasagna soup and grilled cheese
Friday: baked fish, mac and cheese and corn
Saturday: pizza
Sunday: leftovers
Monday, February 16, 2009
Menu Plan Monday

This weeks menu:
MONDAY: for Rachel: leftover chili, for Rebecca: leftover spaghettios
TUESDAY: grilled chicken, stuffing, and corn
WEDNESDAY: baked fish and green beans
THURSDAY: chicken nuggets and macaroni and cheese
FRIDAY: leftovers
SATURDAY: hot dogs and baked beans
SUNDAY: Chicken and Dumplings in the crockpot
Sunday, February 15, 2009
The Homemaker's Day Book

I AM THINKING: about my husband who is at work and has been working really long hours lately.
I AM THANKFUL FOR: my husband who puts up with me and my moods. He loves me even though I might be anxious and stressed and depressed 99% of the time. He is a great man.
FROM THE KITCHEN: tonight for dinner I made manwich, peas and cut up a cucumber for Rebecca and I.
I AM WEARING: red t-shirt, grey sweat pants and white socks
I AM LISTENING: to the theme song for Dora the Explorer.
I AM CREATING: ideas for menus for this week.
I AM GOING: to try hard not to go anywhere this week to save money since we had to get a new computer.
I AM HOPING: that the pain in my chest goes away soon.
AROUND THE HOUSE: I have cleaned the kitchen and am doing laundry.
ONE OF MY FAVORITE THINGS: is cuddling with Rebecca on the couch, watching cartoons
A FEW PLANS FOR THE WEEK: catch up on cleaning and laundry, take pics and post more things on CL.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Well today I had another day at home-- couldn't get the car out. There is ice under the tires...we tried for 45 minutes and it was a no go. Ugg. I hate Ohio weather. The good news is I got a ton done in the house and that makes me feel good! I did some decluttering in toys and dressers and I cleaned the bathroom and did a ton more stuff. It feels so good to be productive. I feel better about myself when I am productive.
Dinner Tale:
I made Rebecca Dora spaghettios and she gobbled them up...
I made myself 2 scrambled eggs, toast, cantalope, and apple juice.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
New format---update, FTJ, better me, and dinner tale
Forget the Joneses: Day 26-29
Day 26: DeClutter...I am trying to do this for the FlyLady Super Fling Boogie, but it is tough. Will continue to try
Day 27-28: Organize...trying to do this a little at a time.
Day 29: build an emergency fund--- we are trying to follow Dave Ramsey and have built up to $1000. Now we are focusing on paying down debt....
Bettering myself: Okay so I have decided that starting now and going through the month of February, I am going to start a gratitude journal. I will write down 5 things each day that I am thankful for. The purpose of this is to change my negative attitude towards a lot of things.
Dinner Tale: Quick and easy
baked chicken tenderloins with bread crumb coating
corn and green beans
Rebecca would not eat the chicken, but she gobbled up the green beans and corn.....picky child!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Sunday's dinner
Chicken Parmesan
I baked 2 Tyson chicken patties. Then topped with leftover marinara sauce from the other night and some mozzarella cheese. Served with leftover pasta from the other night. Rebecca had peas.
It was yummy and easy! So I made my goal of cooking tonight! Go me!
FTJ Days 15-25 Catch-up
Day 15 Prioritize pay down---Bill and I have decided to follow a modified Dave Ramsey approach...smallest balance first then after the Mastercard is payed off go to highest interest instead of next smallest which would be Ball State student loan.
Day 16-Re-evaluate your expenses...we did this and cut back some on Directv service and on money we spent on going out.
Day 17- Avoid Budgeting mistakes
Day 18- Create a budget
Day 19- Create a price book
Day 20 and 21- Create a master meals list and pantry list--- I did not write this down as our space for storage is small so I know exactly what I have in the kitchen.
Day 22- Go on a modified spending freeze...we are going to do this, by only buying necessities at the store
Day 23- Be a proactive shopper---use your price book to help you grocery shop, make a master gift list...--- I do this already
Day 24-25--Get into the decluttering mindset. Visualize your goals and image of each room in your home and what you want it to be. Take a before photo of each space.--- this will be easy as I am also taking part in FlyLady's 5 week super fling boogie. It will feel so good to get rid of stuff that we don't use or need.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Yummy dinner!
Chicken and Dumplings in the crockpot
4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts (I used 8 tenderloins) seasoned with sage, garlic powder, pepper, thyme, marjoram, and rosemary
2 tbsp. butter
2 cans cream of chicken soup
1 onion finely chopped
1 cup frozen corn
1 cup frozen peas
1 cup frozen carrots
1 tube refrigerated biscuits
Put everything except biscuits in crockpot. Fill with water to cover. Mix together. Cover and cook on high 5 hours. Tear biscuits into chunks and put in Crockpot. Cover and cook for an additional 75 minutes on high. Serve over mashed potatoes.
This was sooooo yummy! Rebecca didn't like it, but it was the first time she had it so maybe she will like it next time....I am doing good on this meal planning thing. Tonight I need to make my menu out for this week. Wish me luck!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Travis Omar
New goal: Making dinner for Rebecca and I when Bill is at work
Today, I made pasta and marinara sauce! The Tastefully Simple marinara sauce is really good and has a kick to it! I got it as a Christmas present. It is yummy! So we had another homemade dinner!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
FTJ- Day 14
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
FTJ- Day 13
5 Things I am grateful for today:
1. That I have a husband who loves me unconditionally and who leaves me cards, takes me and picks me up from work so I don't have to drive in the snow, and who vacuums the house for me.
2. for a daughter who is always amazing me by her abilities
3. for days off for Bill
4. for the good dinner that I cooked and that Rebecca even ate dinner! (spaghetti and peas)
5. for good friends who make me get off my butt and work! (Thanks Coralie!)
Monday, January 12, 2009
FTJ-- Days 9-12
Day 10-11: Make a vision board.....have pics on computer for this.
Day 12: find out FICO score. Did this not too long ago. Mine is okay, however Bill's needs a lot of work. Will be working on that soon.
Okay so I think I am all caught up with the assignments! Yeah! Now just to stay on top of them....
FTJ- Day 8
some of the things that I have come up:
movie night at home--watch new dvds from Christmas including Dark Knight, Hancock
play in the snow with Rebecca
date night with Bill---use gift card for movie and restaraunt
spend day at home just playing games, etc.
Super Bowl party---make it potluck
go visit my parents
go to my sister's basketball game
FTJ--- DAYS 5-7 Dreams
Also for day 7-- we were supposed to pick out 25 goals/ dreams to work on achieving. Many of my dreams are long term...however the ones that I can work on this year are as follows:
1.walk on beach of North Carolina with Rebecca and Bill
2. lose 25 lbs to get below 200 lbs
3. have another baby
4. wear clothes that fit me well and make me feel sexy
5. get the 3rd bedroom organized and cleaned
6. get the basement organized
7. continue to declutter
8. dye my hair or at least get highlights
9. pay off debt and reach financial stability
10. don’t be afraid to try new things
11. get Rebecca potty trained easily
12. give up diet pop
13. get over fear of driving in snow and on freeway
14. be less anxious
15. get over depression
16. take a family vacation every year
17. take more overnight trips
18. see new places in America
19. spend more time with extended family
20. email friends at least once a month
FTJ---Day 4
Our Mission Statement:
We strive to love each other every day. We strive to encourage and help each other with our thoughts, words and actions each day. We strive to use our time, abilities, and resources daily to help us become a better family.
FTJ-- Day 3
So 5 things I am thankful for:
1. My husband---who took care of me, Rebecca and the house while I was sick. And who works very hard to provide for our family
2. My daughter---who is the greatest 2 year old in the world and who made mommy so proud when she slept all night long in her big girl bed for the first time last night! WOO!!!
3. My family and friends---even though I don't get to see or talk to you all as much as I would like, I appreciate your support and encouragement
4. FlyLady-- without joining her group and being reminded to clean and organize the house would be a mess and I would have so much stuff...but I still have a lot of stuff, but it is easy to maintain the minimum (even Bill did it while I was sick)
5. thankful that we are all on the mend for the most part
I think I really need to do this every day. I tend to be negative about a lot of things and this will help me/ force me to be positive.....
Friday, January 9, 2009
FTJ...Starting again....
Friday, January 2, 2009
FTJ- DAY 2-- Calculate Net worth
On the other hand I think I did okay today. I went to Kroger to do our grocery shopping...normally I will spend around $70 or so. Today I only shopped the perimeter of the store...and stopped myself from looking at the sale items from Christmas. And going by my approved list this is what I bought:
2 gallons skim milk
1 gallon 2% milk
pack of hot dogs
pack of pork chops
mozzarella cheese
head of lettuce
roma tomatoes
red bell pepper
green bell pepper
hamburger buns (-.25 coupon)
turkey lunch meat
bottle of diet dr. pepper (FREE coupon)
Total: 27.83
I really think I did good. I have to make out my menu now that I have Bill's work schedule. I will be glad when I get paid on Monday and Bill gets paid so that we have some money to pay bills. I hate having a low number in our checking account.
FTJ- DAY 1 Continued
meat (if it is 1.99 a lb or less)
lunch meat
fresh fruit
fresh veggies (stuff for salads)
apple juice for Rebecca
haircut for Bill
gas for both cars
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Mommysavers--Forget the Joneses Bootcamp Day 1
Today was day 1 of the program. For day 1 we are supposed to begin a 21 day spending freeze. If we have to spend money it it supposed to be from an approved spending list that we make. Today's assignment was to make the approved spending here goes:
Approved spending:
new vacuum (ours died yesterday)--bought today at Target
fresh fruit and veggies
meat (if it is less than 1.99 a lb)
lunch meat
$10 a week discretionary money for DH to use. (today he used it on lunch for us at McDonalds)
apple juice for Rebecca
I am excited and nervous to start this...I really want to gain control of our finances and just learn to live simply.
Today was okay. We went to Target to get the vacuum and got cereal, and goldfish for Rebecca too. These were needs and not wants. Then we went to Walgreens to pick up Christmas pictures that I had ordered. I had gotten them for 10cents each and I had a $5 off your order coupon, so for 60 pictures I paid $1.30 with tax! Yay! ( I know this wasn't on my approved list but I was supposed to pick them up 2 days ago)...Today I did cook dinner at home- Bill didn't want to go his parents or my parents for dinner. So we battered fish, green beans, rice pilaf and fresh pears ( I used these up before they went bad ! YAY!) Hoping to continue on a forward path.