Thursday, December 10, 2020

Blogmas 2020: Days 9-10: COVID Quarantine

Hi everyone! Just a quick note to say that Blogmas 2020 music videos will be put on hold for a while. COVID has hit our house and we are under quarantine until at least next Friday. Bill was exposed at work and after losing his sense of smell and taste got tested on Tuesday. Doc is 99% sure Bill has it. Tuesday night everyone else here in our house started showing symptoms...fevers, coughs, etc. We are dealing. Just wanted to give a quick update. 


  1. I am so sorry for you all and hope you will be relatively symptom free

  2. Wow, so sorry - I hope you all recover quickly

  3. Rachel, I am so sorry!
    Prayers and love, my friend.

  4. I'm so sorry to hear Covid found your household. Many prayers for mild cases and speedy recoveries for all of you.

  5. I sure hope your symptoms are the worst of it. Take care.

  6. So sorry! Take care of yourself and the family. One of my clients tested positive yesterday but I haven't been around any clients since last March. I'm hoping she is OK- she has medical issues and is obese. GS got sent home from HS yesterday- he was exposed by a classmate and he will be tested today and then probably again on Monday. Numbers are spiking here and our wonderful governor still refuses to do anything about it- he's a good friend of DT. I'm not going anywhere at all now but I did drop by the PO lobby yesterday at 7 AM to mail a package= only 1 woman there and she was masked and I also made my monthly trip to Aldi Tuesday. I'm set for Christmas needs and it might just be me alone. That's OK- I'll be getting the shot ASAP. I'm over 70, have hypertension and am overweight plus type A blood. No thanks.
