Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Blogmas 2020 Day 1: 1st Snow Day of the year and Frosty the Snowman

 Happy 1st day of December everyone! 

I have been going back and forth with whether to try to do a "Blogmas" posting of sort for December or to just keep it to where I write when I get a chance. As I was thinking about it the other day, I was seriously on the fence. Then I saw SAM's post about prepping for Blogmas and it was like a sign that yes I need to do this. She wants people to follow along so I will. It was the nudge that I needed. 

Then my next question was what would I blog about? Well, I decided to keep it real and still post like I do (updates on our life, the kids' shenanigans, our Christmas plans, etc.), but also add on a music video (hopefully) of some of my favorite Christmas songs! I hope you all enjoy. 

So today's selection is featured because today is the kids' 1st snow day of the year! That's right. We woke up to the white stuff. It snowed lightly off and on yesterday. 

We even watched our first classic Christmas cartoon last night to celebrate the first snow of the year, but watching "Frosty the Snowman."  (This was actually our second cartoon of the year, as we watched "The Lego Star Wars Holiday Special" on Friday. 

Then today we woke up to more snow and cold temperatures (our real feel temperature right now is 12 degrees!).

When the boys woke up this morning they asked me if there was a 2 hour delay, I told them nope there was no school. Ben blurted out there must be a 24 hour delay then! LOL The boys wanted to go outside to play first thing but I told them it needed to warm up a little bit first. I feel the need to bake today as well. I have been craving pumpkin bread so that may be on my to do list, along with laundry, trying to catch that elusive mouse, and enjoying the snow day with the kids. 

Before I do any of that though, and in honor of the kids' 1st snow day, here is a favorite classic song of ours... I present to you Jimmy Durante singing "Frosty the Snowman"...

What's the weather like where you are? What is your favorite snow themed song? 

Hope everyone has a wonderful 1st day of December! 


  1. I love the music! Thank you for sharing it.
    I guess my favorite "snow" music would be "Sleigh Ride"

  2. I love the 24 hour delay. I was thinking with the advance of distance learning, snow days would be a thing of the past. I'll enjoy your blogmas-I wasn't trying to nudge other bloggers to do it, but happy to have the company and ideas. Some days wil be a bit spotty on my blog.

    1. With the kids in school full time they still get a chance for a snow day. However, if we go virtual I am sure they won't do snow days anymore. I know there are a couple of districts around Columbus that have been back to virtual for the past 2 weeks and they did not call a snow day today; they said it was business as usual. It was a fun day to spend with the kids.

  3. What- a snow day for that little bit of snow LOL? It's actually just 48 here and a bit chilly but I love it. I'm just hoping it doesn't get down to freezing in the morning- I still have a few flowers I am too lazy to cover. I have been listening to Christmas carols and holiday shows for a week now- not any favorite but I pretty much like them all. I also did some shopping on the internet and it's fun to have packages arrive.

    1. LOL We actually got around 5 inches or so. It was the timing of the snow that caused it I think. Roads were still snow covered at 7AM this morning when many kids are walking/catching the buses. Also my front road is a major road through town. The road behind us was still snow covered at 3PM. I love getting packages in the mail. I need to finalize my lists and get done.

  4. Pretty snowy pictures. Looks like December there. It's cold here in the mornings but no snow (some predicted for tomorrow afternoon, however and just in time for rush hour. Blah!). My son has his on-line week so it won't matter to him but I'll have to go to work in it. I like Let It Snow for a snow-themed song. Happy December!
