Monday, January 17, 2022

Basketball, Becoming, and a Snowy Monday

Happy Monday everyone! How was your weekend? We had a busy weekend with the boys' basketball games on Saturday. The boys had fun and were glad that I was well enough to go. They both played well and had a lot of fun. 

I finished reading Michelle Obama's book Becoming. 

It was an interesting read for someone who typically shies away from political reads. I will say that I enjoyed hearing her perspectives as a mom, and a wife who is being swept along in an area that she really wants no part of (ie. politics). I will say though that towards the end, I became sick of the message that you can be anything you put your mind to and that you can overcome everything if you push hard enough. It became apparent to me that this was just a name-dropping book, with who she worked with and who allowed her to have a job. After a while it became more about that than her thoughts and ideologies. To me, that took A LOT away from the book. 

Today, it's a snowy, cold Monday. We got several inches of snow overnight last night. The kids are excited, especially since they were already off of school today. We spent some time outside after lunch even though real feel temperature was 7 degrees. It was pretty cold. 

When we came in, I finally was able to make the kids their hot chocolate bombs that I had ordered them at Christmas. We have been too sick or busy to enjoy them. The kids love them. 

Not sure what the rest of the week will bring. Rebecca does not have school tomorrow. Apparently last week there were so many kids out at the high school that missed their midterms that they are taking tomorrow as a make-up midterm day. Rebecca completed all her mid-terms so she has a free day. I still have to take the boys to school though. Technically, I am free to go back to subbing as well. 

For now, I am snuggled here in my chair covered up with 2 blankets as I am cold.  I am dealing with chest pain again and being out of breath when I do stairs. I don't know what to do. It is not a good feeling. I just want to feel better. 

What's going on in your world? Got any snow? 


  1. Glad you felt well enough to go to the basketball games. Sorry that you are still having chest pains though. The hot chocolate bombs look fun, I had one a couple years ago but it was white chocolate which I don't like much so didn't like it. Should try to find a better quality one sometime I guess. We had snow on Saturday but it started melting today and will likely be gone by tomorrow afternoon (high in the upper 40's predicted). Hope you have a great week!

    1. Yeah, I am not sure what is going on with my chest. It is getting old though especially when my cardiologist says there is nothing wrong. Then why am I feeling like this? There is a local home baker that makes these bombs, they are yummy. My daughter had a white chocolate peppermint that she said was really good. We are supposed to be below freezing all week I think, with lows in the single digits at nighttime so I don't think the snow will melt anytime soon.

  2. No, you cannot do anything you set your mind to do! That, like, saying "any little boy can grow up to be President" is wrong thinking. There is only one job open every four years! Plus, it leaves out girls. I could go on, but you know it well. That is discouraging she is espousing those ideas.

    It's only 33F here, but I think I need hot chocolate, too.

    1. I was disappointed in some of her ideologies. It was not at all what I expected but now I know. I know a lot of people really enjoyed her book, but I was not one of them.

  3. The kids look like they are having so much fun! It's great that they are so active and involved in things. Mine just wants to play video games all the time! *snort* I sure hope you get to feeling better. I take a medication for chest pain...Isosorbide. I don't know if that might be an option for you, but couldn't hurt to ask your doc. But maybe you already take something?

    I have not read that book, but I do appreciate your review of it. I have so many I want to read and it's good to know which to avoid. You take care!

    1. Well I did have to tell Rebecca she was coming outside, but once out she had fun ;) I was on Ranexa for the pain, then he doubled the dosage as I was still having pain and my body reacted badly to the change. Then he took me off of it completely and did the stress test which he says shows no issues. So I am now only on the beta blocker for the myocardial bridge. Well, if there is supposedly nothing wrong with my heart except for the bridge, then why am I still having these issues? Why are my EKGs abnormal? It is frustrating. I am trying to figure out how to go about getting a second opinion.
